●Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries.Yet much had happened between.As was discussed before,it was not until the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant preelectronic mediam,following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the company of the periodical.It Was during the same time that the communications revolution speeded up,beginning with transport,the railway,and leading on through the telegraph,the telephone,radio,and motion pictures into the 20th-century world of the motor car and the air plane.Not everyone sees that processin perspective.It is important to do so.It is generally recognized,however,that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century,(66) by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s,radically changed the process,although its impact on the media was not immediately(67).As time went by,computers became smaller and more powerful,and they became "personal"too,as well as(68),with display becoming sharper and storage(69)incteasing.They were thought of,like people,(70)generations,with the distance between generations much smaller.It was within the computer age that the term "information society" began to be widely used to describe thecontext within which we now live.The communications revolution has influenced both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time,but there have been controversial view about its economic,political,social and cultural implications."Benefits" have been weighed against"harmful"outcomes.And generalizations have proved difficult.(66)A.brought B.followed C.stimulated D.characterized(67)A.apparent B.desirable C.negative D.plausible(68)A.institutional B.universal C.fundamental D.instrumental(69)A.ability B.capability C.capacity D.faculty(70)A.by means of B.in terms of C.with regard to D.in line with

●Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries.Yet much had happened between.As was discussed before,it was not until the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant preelectronic mediam,following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the company of the periodical.It Was during the same time that the communications revolution speeded up,beginning with transport,the railway,and leading on through the telegraph,the telephone,radio,and motion pictures into the 20th-century world of the motor car and the air plane.Not everyone sees that processin perspective.It is important to do so.

It is generally recognized,however,that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century,(66) by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s,radically changed the process,although its impact on the media was not immediately(67).As time went by,computers became smaller and more powerful,and they became "personal"too,as well as(68),with display becoming sharper and storage(69)incteasing.They were thought of,like people,(70)generations,with the distance between generations much smaller.

It was within the computer age that the term "information society" began to be widely used to describe thecontext within which we now live.The communications revolution has influenced both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time,but there have been controversial view about its economic,political,social and cultural implications."Benefits" have been weighed against"harmful"outcomes.And generalizations have proved difficult.

(66)A.brought B.followed C.stimulated D.characterized

(67)A.apparent B.desirable C.negative D.plausible

(68)A.institutional B.universal C.fundamental D.instrumental

(69)A.ability B.capability C.capacity D.faculty

(70)A.by means of B.in terms of C.with regard to D.in line with


The identification, definition, and selection of the project objectives as well as the best approach to achieving the project objectives are indentified in the _____ phase of the project but first documented in the project _____.A.Conceptual, charter/baseline.B.Conceptual, master schedule.C.Development, charter/baseline.D.Development, master schedule.E.Development, masterplan.

130 The identification, definition, and selection of the project objectives as well as the best approach to achieving the project objectives are indentified in the _____ phase of the project but first documented in the project _____.A. Conceptual, charter/baseline.B. Conceptual, master schedule.C. Development, charter/baseline.D. Development, master schedule.E. Development, masterplan

12 The identification, definition, and selection of the project objectives as well as the best approach to achieving the project objectives are indentified in the _____ phase of the project but first documented in the project _____.A. Conceptual, charter/baseline.B. Conceptual, master schedule.C. Development, charter/baseline.D. Development, master schedule.E. Development, masterplan

_________[A] subjected[B] left[C] drawn[D] exposed

The author develops his writing mainly by means of _____.[A] reasoning[B] examples[C] comparisons[D] quotations

A: Where()you last week? B: I()in Alabama. A、were/wereB、was/isC、were/wasD、was/were



Janet as well as the other young people who ____ sent abroad by government ___ brought up in the small town.A. was;was B. was;were C. were ;were D. were ;was

Janet as well as the other young people who__________sent abroad by the government__________brought up in the small town.A.was:wasB.was;wereC.were;wereD.were;was