Under no circumstance()to tell lies to the public.A. the companies are allowedB.are the companies allowedC. the companies will allow

Under no circumstance()to tell lies to the public.

A. the companies are allowed

B.are the companies allowed

C. the companies will allow


'tell' + 236 的结果为:tell236。( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Could you ____ me how to ________ this word in English? (A. tell, speakB. speak, sayC. tell, sayD. say, speak

His interest _______ fishing. A. lies inB. lays inC. lies toD. lies

She was supposed _____ in hospital , but people found her in the office .A. to lieB. lyingC. lieD. lies


Success ______ in hard work.A、laysB、lainC、lieD、lies


[A] lies [B] lays [C] settles [D] sends

9. —Where is my football?—It's ______the table ________ the floor.A, on; underB. on ; onC, under ;underD. under; on

The damage to the hatch cover was caused by your stevedores,and you ought to have known we never ______ lies.A.sayB.talkC.tellD.speak