Questionnaires are not suitable()some people.A. inB. forC. with

Questionnaires are not suitable()some people.

A. in

B. for

C. with


We still have( )sugar. We don't need ____________ sugar now. A. some. . . anyB. any. . . someC. a... someD. some. . . a

_________[A] available[B] reliable[C] identifiable[D] suitable

8.I don't have ________erasers. I think Ann has ________ .A. any; anyB. some ;anyC. some; someD. any; some

Are you sure you don‘t have ___ advice to give me?I really need ___. A.any, anyB.some, anyC.any, someD.some, some

Do you have ______ shrimps? ---Here they ______ .A、any,areB、some,isC、any,beD、some,are

There are ______ books in your bag. But there aren’t ______ pens in it. A、some, someB、any ,someC、some, anyD、any,any

It does not alter the fact that he was the man ______for the death of the little boy. A. ParallelB. ResponsibleC. RelativeD. suitable

A: I’d like ________ information about the school. B: You could have ________ word with the schoolmaster. A.some / / someC.some / some

The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors( )for unfamiliar and emergency signals such as the smell of smoke,which might indicate the danger of fire.A.availableB.reliableC.identifiableD.suitable

( )Are you sure you don‘t have_______advice to give me I really need_______.A.any;anyB.some;anyC.any;someD.some;some