John Smith arrives at the New World to do his research on Indians.()
John Smith arrives at the New World to do his research on Indians.()
The Browns are ( 11) Smiths neighbors. Mr Brown's name is John. But when his neighbors talk about him,they ( 12 ) him "Mr Going-to-do . Do you know why? Mr Brown always says he is going to do something,but he ( 13) does it.Every Saturday, Mr Brown ( 14 ) to the Smiths back door and talks to Mr Smith. He always says he ( 15 ) do something."I,m going to clean my house today,"he says,( 16 ) "I'm going to wash my car tomor-row,"or"These trees in front of my house'are ( 17) big,l m going to cut them down next week."Mr Smith usually says,"( 18) ,John?"He knows his neighbor is not going to clean his house,or wash his car,or cut down any trees. Then he says,"Well,excuse me,John. I-m going to do some work in the house. "And he ( 19) .Mr and Mrs Smith often say to their only child Dick,"Are you going to do something?Then do it. Don-t be ( 20) 'Mr Going-to-do'.( )11.A.theB.a.C.oneD./
下列语句中,正确的是( )。A.char*myString="Hello-World!";B.char myString="Hello-World!";C.char myString[11]="Hello-World!";D.char myString[12]="Hello-World!";
Last Saturday ___________________ had a picnic in Beiquan Park.A、John, Mary and meB、John, Mary and IC、John, I and MaryD、 I, John and Mary
Which command will create a group called ‘delivery’and set the administrators to john’ and ‘mary’?() A.mkgroup -A=john,mary deliveryB.groupadd -A=john,mary deliveryC.mkgroup adms=john,mary deliveryD.groupadd adms=john,mary delivery
下列值不为true的表达式有( )。A、"john"=="john"B、"john".equals("john")C、"john"="john"D、"john".equals(newString("john"))
Last Sunday had a picnic in Beihai Park.A.John,Mary and meB.John,I and MaryC.John,Mary and ID.I,John and Mary
13、Java程序向显示器输出信息“Hello, World”,下列哪种写法是错误的?A.System.out.print(“Hello, world” );B.System.out.println(“Hello, world” );C.System.out.print(“Hello, world\n” );D.printf(“Hello, world\n” );
通过 SQL,从 “actor” 表中选取 "FirstName" 列的值等于"John" 的所有记录的表述正确的是()。A.SELECT * FROM Actor WHERE FirstName='John'B.SELECT [all] FROM Actor WHERE FirstName LIKE 'John'C.SELECT * FROM Actor WHERE FirstName LIKE 'John'D.SELECT [all] FROM Actor WHERE FirstName='John'