The thief broke into the museum, () on the spot by the policemen.A、caughtB、to be caughtC、only to be caughtD、being caught

The thief broke into the museum, () on the spot by the policemen.


B、to be caught

C、only to be caught

D、being caught


The workmen ______ down the old house and built a new one in its place. A. putB. closedC. toreD. broke

Judge: And where have you stolen these things?Thief: Oh, (57) .

Thief: Hey, you didn't tell me (59) .


She put a blanket over the baby for fear that he ____________cold.A、caughtB、has caughtC、catchesD、should catch

The thief was finally captured two miles away from the village.A:caughtB:killedC:foundD:jailed

___________in the rain, he was wet to the skin.A.CaughtB.CatchingC.Having caughtD.To be caught

The glass__________a moment ago by Cathy.A.had been brokenB.was brokenC.has been brokenD.broke

Landsat至今已经发射了7颗卫星,目前正常运行的是 。A.SPOT 4、SPOT 5B.SPOT 5、SPOT 6C.SPOT 4、SPOT6D.SPOT 7