It is better to tell someone to get it() . A、fixedB、fixC、fixing

It is better to tell someone to get it() .





'tell' + 236 的结果为:tell236。( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Could you ____ me how to ________ this word in English? (A. tell, speakB. speak, sayC. tell, sayD. say, speak

9.Which do you like _________ ,Beijing _________ Shanghai?A. better,orB. best,orC. better,andD. best,and

—Which subject do you like______?—I like chemistry than any other one.A. better, betterB. best, betterC. best, bestD. better, best

______(tell)you about it some time before,but I don't remember it now.

The _better_ (good) he feels, the more work he will do

( )A.badB.worseC.goodD.better

We__________ (tell) to close the windows before we left the lab.


How much she looked without her glasses! A. well B. good C. best D. better