I hope () was involved in that accident this morning was all right.A、anyoneB、noneC、whoeverD、who
I hope () was involved in that accident this morning was all right.
—How heavily it rained this early morning.—Yes. But ____ of the students in our class was late for school. A. some B. none C. all
I, my, will, true, come, hope, dream__________________________________________________________________________.
2.I _________to visit Guilin and I_________ you to go with me.A. wish ; hopeB. hope; wishC. hope; wish forD. wish; hope that
下面程序的输出结果为【】。 include main() { char a[]="morning",t; int i,j=0; for( 下面程序的输出结果为【 】。include<iostream.h>main(){char a[]="morning",t;int i,j=0;for(i=1;i<7;i++)if(a[j]<a[i])j=i;t=a[j];a[j]=a[7];a[7]=a[j];cout<<a;}
“Does she speak English or Russian?” “She doesn’t speak ________.” A.neitherB.noneC.eitherD.all
下面程序的运行结果是includemain(){char a[]="morning",t; int i,j=0; for(i=1;i 下面程序的运行结果是 #include<stdio.h> main() { char a[]="morning",t; int i,j=0; for(i=1;i<7;i++) if(a[j]<a[i])j=i; t=a[j]; a[j]=a[7]; a[7]=a[j]; puts[a];}A.mrgninrB.moC.moringD.morning
下面vb6.0中tagname,name,value有什么区别呀? webbrowser1.document.all(i).tagnamewebbrowser1.document.all(i).namewebbrowser1.document.all(i).value
My friends and I would like to go to the concert,but__________of us has got a ticket.A.bothB.noneC.neitherD.all