Service(71)Architecture aims to provide a model for the creation of service components in a wide range of languages and a model for assembling service components into a business solution -activities which are at the heart of building applications using a(72)architecture.Service Data Objects aims to provide consistent means of handling(73)within applications, whatever its source or(74)may be. SDO provides a way of unifying data handling for databases and for services. SDO also has mechanisms for the handling of data while(75)from its source.A.OrientedB.LevelC.ComponentD.Conference

Service(71)Architecture aims to provide a model for the creation of service components in a wide range of languages and a model for assembling service components into a business solution -activities which are at the heart of building applications using a(72)architecture.

Service Data Objects aims to provide consistent means of handling(73)within applications, whatever its source or(74)may be. SDO provides a way of unifying data handling for databases and for services. SDO also has mechanisms for the handling of data while(75)from its source.






Atoll的uSeR pRofile中主要对以下参数进行设置:() A.SeRviCe、teRmiNAl、CAll/houR、duRAtioN、UL/DLvolumeB.CAll/houR、duRAtioN、UL/DLvolumeC.SeRviCe、teRmiNAlD.SeRviCe、teRmiNAl、CAll/houR、duRAtioN

下面关于Service的描述,错误的是()。 A.Service是Android四大组件之一B.没有用户界面C.在Java代码中可以动态注册服务D.Service依赖于Activity,当Activity销毁时,Service也被销毁

在UNET中,话务建模的准确顺序是:() A . mobility—>terminal—>service—>userprofile->environment;B . mobility—>service—>terminal—>userprofile->environment;C . mobility—>terminal—>userprofile—>service->environment;D . mobility—>userprofile->terminal—>service—>environment;

Cloud-computing providers offer their“services”according to differentmodels,which happen to form a stack( ),platform as a service(Paas),software as a service(SaaS). A.hardware as A.service(Haas) as A.service(Naas) C.infrastructure as A.service(IaaS) A.service(DaaS)

10、下面哪条命令可以关闭crond.service服务?A.systemctl status crond.serviceB.systemctl stop crond.serviceC.systemctl start crond.serviceD.systemctl restart crond.service

在防火墙中永久开放FTP服务的命令是A.firewall-cmd --add-service=ftpB.firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=ftpC.firewall-cmd --permanent --service=ftpD.firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service-ftp


