Although they’re still the lovely young kitten or pup in our minds, your pets need extra care as they reach their senior years. Here’s our list of suggestions to keep them happy and healthy for as long as possible.FoodieKeeping your pet’s diet healthy and nutritious(有营养的) is very important at any stage of their life, but as they become old they need a different set of vitamins and minerals. Different sizes and breeds of pets will have different needs, so it’s worth a quick chat with your vet to discover what they would recommend.Gym membershipAlthough they may seem tired and slow for outdoor activities, this doesn’t mean they shouldnt keep exercise anymore. You don’t have to drag them on a 10-mile uphill hike,but encourage your pet to get out into the fresh air.The sights and smells should inspire their natural urge to trot about and explore again. If they’re lazy, try small indoor games and toys that will keep their mind active.Fit not fatIf you’re feeding your pet healthy foods in appropriate sized portions(分量)and making sure they’re getting enough exercise, you shouldn’t have an overweight friend at your side. However, if you still think they need to lose a few pounds,you can discuss with your vet how to help them lose weight and keep a healthy weight.The dreaded vetsNot many people enjoy a trip to the doctors and it’s certainly the same for your pet.But regular checks at the vets can prevent minor health issues from getting m ore and more serious. Older pets should be taken to the vet at least once every six months. On your next visit, ask your vet what common issues usually affect their particular breed(种类)such as arthritis (关节炎)or diabetes(肥胖症). You can then be more careful when taking care of them.26. What is the main topic of the article?()A. How to choose a pet at the pet shop.B. Some tips of looking after old pets.C. Differences between kittens and puppies.27. As your pets get older, the vitamins and minerals they need are().A. t he same as they were fed in the pastB. Less then those when they are youngC. different from those they used to have28. Which is NOT TRUE according to the article?()A. Old pets shouldn’t keep exercise anymore.B. Fresh air will inspire old pets’ natural urge.C. If old pets are lazy, just leave them still at home.29. According to the article, you can discuss with()how to help your aged pets keep fit but not fat.A. your vetB. your kidsC. your friends30. Older pets should go for regular checks at least once()A. every half a yearB. every yearC. every month

Although they’re still the lovely young kitten or pup in our minds, your pets need extra care as they reach their senior years. Here’s our list of suggestions to keep them happy and healthy for as long as possible.


Keeping your pet’s diet healthy and nutritious(有营养的) is very important at any stage of their life, but as they become old they need a different set of vitamins and minerals. Different sizes and breeds of pets will have different needs, so it’s worth a quick chat with your vet to discover what they would recommend.

Gym membership

Although they may seem tired and slow for outdoor activities, this doesn’t mean they shouldn't keep exercise anymore. You don’t have to drag them on a 10-mile uphill hike,but encourage your pet to get out into the fresh air.The sights and smells should inspire their natural urge to trot about and explore again. If they’re lazy, try small indoor games and toys that will keep their mind active.

Fit not fat

If you’re feeding your pet healthy foods in appropriate sized portions(分量)and making sure they’re getting enough exercise, you shouldn’t have an overweight friend at your side. However, if you still think they need to lose a few pounds,you can discuss with your vet how to help them lose weight and keep a healthy weight.

The dreaded vets

Not many people enjoy a trip to the doctors and it’s certainly the same for your pet.But regular checks at the vets can prevent minor health issues from getting m ore and more serious. Older pets should be taken to the vet at least once every six months. On your next visit, ask your vet what common issues usually affect their particular breed(种类)such as arthritis (关节炎)or diabetes(肥胖症). You can then be more careful when taking care of them.

26. What is the main topic of the article?()

A. How to choose a pet at the pet shop.

B. Some tips of looking after old pets.

C. Differences between kittens and puppies.

27. As your pets get older, the vitamins and minerals they need are().

A. t he same as they were fed in the past

B. Less then those when they are young

C. different from those they used to have

28. Which is NOT TRUE according to the article?()

A. Old pets shouldn’t keep exercise anymore.

B. Fresh air will inspire old pets’ natural urge.

C. If old pets are lazy, just leave them still at home.

29. According to the article, you can discuss with()how to help your aged pets keep fit but not fat.

A. your vet

B. your kids

C. your friends

30. Older pets should go for regular checks at least once()

A. every half a year

B. every year

C. every month



He is a good friend of_____A. oursB. ourC. our's

( ) Chinese people are proud to host the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. A、UsB、WeC、TheseD、Our

Of course, our()relationship is very good.But business is business. A、personnelB、personalC、privateD、public

This is () our 10% Special Discount Offer.A、announcingB、to announceC、to be announcingD、being announced

We often have ( ) supper at home.A. usB.oursC. our

Our ______ is London, but the plane took us to Paris.A、departureB、destinationC、discountD、destiny

______school is much larger than ______.A.Our;yourB.Our;yoursC.Ours;yoursD.We;you

