The only thing I have is this bill()the publisher’s name and addressA、 with…onB、 by…inC、 in…on

The only thing I have is this bill()the publisher’s name and address

A、 with…on

B、 by…in

C、 in…on


-How are things with you, Bill?-( ). A. Hello, SueB. I'm terribly busy these daysC. Mind your own businessD. See you later

If only we______(have)a phone! I'm tired of waiting outside the public phone box.

-Would you like to go to the cinema?-I'd _____to go to the museum.A. ratherB. PreferC. have

—I'd met Smith several times before.—So (have) ( ) I.

Olivia:Do you mind if I play some music?Bill:______. I'm writing my assignment.A、Of course I doB、Not at allC、Of course notD、Certainly

Operator: ______, May I help you?Bill: I'd like to set up a telephone service, please.A、SpeakingB、HeyC、I'm John SmithD、Pacific Bell

对于基本表S(S#,NAME,SEX,BIRTHDAY)和SC(S#,C#,ORADE),其中S#、NAME、 SEX、BIRTHDAY、C#和GRADE分别表示学号、姓名、性别、生日、课程号和年级。有一 SQL语句:SELECT S#,NAMEFROM SWHERE S# NOTIN(SELECT S#FROM SCWHERE C#='C102');其等价的关系表达式是______。A.πS#.NAME(σC#≠'C102'(SSC) )B. πS#.NAME(S)-πS#.NAME(σC#='C102'(SSC) )C.πS#.NAME(SσC#≠'C102'(SC) )D.πS#.NAME(S(SC) )

3.—Mr Zhang,I'm not feeling well. I-d like to have this afternoon _________ to go to a doctor.—OK.A.onB.offC.downD.up

阅读以下说明和Java代码,将应填入( )处的字句写在答题纸的对栏内。 【说明】 现如今线下支付系统可以使用现金(Cash)、移动支付、银行卡( Card)(信用卡( Creditcard)和储蓄卡( Debitcard))等多种支付方式( PaymentMethod)对物品(tem)账单(Bill)进行支付。图 5-1 是某支付系统的略类图。import java. util. Array List;import java. util. List;interface PaymentMethod { Public ( 1 )}∥cash、 Debitcard和ltem 实现略,ltem中getPrice( )取当前物品对象的价格abstract class Card (2) { private final String name, num; public Card(string name, String num){ name; this, num = num; } @Overide public String toString ( ) { return String. format(“%s card[name = %s, num =%s}”, this. getType( ), name, num); @override public void pay(int cents) { System. out. printin(“Payed"+ cents+"cents using"+toString( )); this, execute Transaction(cents); } protected abstract String getType( ): protected abstract void execute Transaction(int cents)}class CreditCard ( 3 ) { public CreditCard(String name, String num){ (4) ;} @Override protected String getType( ){ return"CREDIT";} @Override protected void execute Transaction(int cents) { System. out. Println(cents +"paid using Credit Card. "); }} Class Bill {//包含所有购买商品的账单 private List items =new ArrayList( ); public void add(Item item) { items. add(item): } public intgetTotalPrice( ) {/*计算所有 item 的总价格,代码略*/} public void pay( PaymentMethod paymentMethod) {//用指定的支付方式完成支付(5) (getTotalPrice(): }}public class Paymentsystem { public void pay( ) { Bill bill =new Bill ( ); Item item1 = new Item(1234, 10); Item item2 new Item(“5678”, 40); Bill.add(item1); bill. add(item2);//将物品添加到账单中 Creditcard("LI SI”, "98765432101"))∥信用卡支付} public static void main(Stringl args) { (6) = new Paymentsystem( ); payment pay( ); }}

请写出如下程序输出的第三行____。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const char* name = "****"; for(int i = 1; i <= strlen(name); i++) { cout.write(name, i); //输出name指针指向空间的前i个字符 cout << endl; } }