The town of Lijiang was founded in ( ).A. 1172B. 1271C. 1127D. 1772

The town of Lijiang was founded in ( ).

A. 1172

B. 1271

C. 1127

D. 1772


The most traditional definition of a human community was a group of people larger than a family that interact. A community may include people who have at least one common point of interest. In the past, community members lived relatively close to one another in one geographical location: in the same village, town, or city. Nowadays, however, the word community can mean a national, an international, or even an online group of interacting individuals. Therefore, a new definition of community might be a group of people that recognize that they have something in common.


Domingo Café, a modern European style. café, is in the ()area. A、downB、downtownC、town

when was the north atlantic treaty organization (nato) founded?A. In 1948.B. In 1949.C. In 1945.D. In 1955.

Icameintotheclassroom,______myseatandsatdowntoread. A.findingB.tofindC.foundD.founded

It has been recorded that the National Security Agency was____ on 4 November1952. A、cageB、reponsibilityC、skiD、founded

请选出读音不同的选项。( )

波兰三次被瓜分的时间是( )A. 1772 年、1793 年、1795 年B. 1768 年、1791 年、1798 年C. 1772 年、1793 年、1798 年D. 1768 年、1793 年、1795 年
