-- I’ll be free this Sunday. -- _____ a swim?A. Why don’t you go toB. What about going forC. How about going toD. Why didn’t you go for
-- I’ll be free this Sunday. -- _____ a swim?
A. Why don’t you go to
B. What about going for
C. How about going to
D. Why didn’t you go for
You can’t walk the dog here in this way.A.Oh, I seeB.Really? Thank you for remindingC.Why? Don’t you really think so?D.Sorry, I’ve forgotten to hold the strap.
Must I stay at the office this afternoon? ---No, you ______.A、don’tB、needn’tC、don’t needD、can’t
Don't run so much. You'll ____ yourself before the game begins.A.exhaustB.exaggerateC.consumeD.constrain
The are so many people here.Don'tworry.I'll__________your golden fish be touched by anyone.A.not letB.not allowC.not makeD.do
I′m sorry I can′t see you immediately;but if you′d like to take a seat,I′ll?be with?you__________.A.for a momentB.in a momentC.for the momentD.at the moment
—How about_in the river with us?—Sorry,I can’t.My parents often tell me_that. A.swim;don’t doB.swim;to doC.swimming;not doD.swimming;not to do