This car is capable ______ most others on the road.A: passB: passingC: to passD: of passing

This car is capable ______ most others on the road.

A: pass

B: passing

C: to pass

D: of passing


Helen Keller was not()to see or hear or talk and yet she learned to read and write, and to become an author. A、ableB、capable

Computers are()of doing billions of calculations in a fraction of a second now.;B.capable

For()commodities as oil, sand and water, rail is cheaper than()road. A、unpackedB、unpackagedC、bulkD、bundled

The majority researcher tend to use the methods which are______or consistent with their prior work.A.feasibleB.probableC.possibleD.capable

It would be_______a risk to leave the baby alone.A.runningB.passingC.carryingD.obeying

已知: a = 100 b = 200 下述程序中可以正常运行(即不报错)的是:A.if b > a: passB.if b == a: print('pass')C.if a == b: passD.if a = b: print('pass')

下列类的声明中不合法的是()。A.class Flower: passB.class 中国人: passC.class SuperStar(): passD.class A, B: pass


以下选项中,对于函数的定义错误的是‪‪‪‪‪‫‪‪‪‪‪‫‪‪‪‪‪‫‪‪‪‪‪‫‪‪‪‪‪‪‫()A.def vfunc(a,b=2): passB.def vfunc(*a,b): passC.def vfunc(a,*b): passD.def vfunc(a,b): pass