When water( ), it will be changed into vapour.A. is heatedB. was heatedC. will be heatedD. would heated

When water( ), it will be changed into vapour.

A. is heated

B. was heated

C. will be heated

D. would heated


Whichtwotriggersaremousemovementtriggers?() A.When-Mouse-UpB.When-Mouse-MoveC.When-Mouse-DownD.When-Mouse-ClickE.When-Mouse-Leave

单词pig和heat所包含的元音相同。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

The three basic components of a fire are chain reaction, heat, fuel, and ____.A.carbon monoxideB.oxygenC.carbon dioxideD.any gaseous substance

WhichmodifierisusedtochangelistenerparametersintheListenerControlutilityenvironment?() A.SETB.ALTERC.CHANGED.UPDATE

17.A.followB.missC.changeD.goon to

The industrial revolution modifed the whole structure of English society.A:destroyed B:broke C:smashed D:changed

My doctor said I should vary my diet more.A:prepareB:cookC:changeD:choose

以下哪一项表达最为准确?A.Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation. The first of which usually causes the most fatalities.#B.Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation, the first of them usually causes the most fatalities.#C.Both bombs produce the same three effects: heat, blast, and radiation, the first of which usually causes the most fatalities.#D.Both bombs produce the same three effects

