1 like reading in my_ f__________ time.

1 like reading in my_ f__________ time.


( 22 )在下列查询语句中,与SELECT TABL* FROM TAB1 WHERE InStr([ 简历 ]," 篮球 ")0功能相同的语句是( ) 。A ) SELECT TAB1.* FROM TAB1 WHERE TAB1. 简历 Like" 篮球 "B ) SELECT TAB1.* FROM TAB1 WHERE TAB1. 简历 Like"* 篮球 "C ) SELECT TAB1.* FROM TAB1 WHERE TAB1. 简历 Like"* 篮球 *"D ) SELECT TAB1.* FROM TAB1 WHERE TAB1. 简历 Like" 篮球 *"

1. He used to _______in the sun,but now he is used to _______at night.A. read ; readB. reading ; readC. read; readingD. reading; reading

“所有家住北京的姓王的人”的查询信则表达式是( )A.姓名Like“王*”OR住址Like“北京”B.姓名Like“王*”AND住址Like“北京”C.姓名Like“王?”AND住址Like“北京”D.姓名Like“王?”OR住址Like“北京”

I prefer _________ a book to _________ a movie. A.reading ...to watchB.to read ...watchingC.to read ...watchD.reading ...watching


在下列查询语句中,与 SELECTTAB1.*FROM TABl WHERE InStr([简历],"篮球")<>0 功能相同的语句是______。A.SELECT TAB1.*FROM TAB1 WHERE TAB1.简历Like "篮球"B.SELECT TAB1.*FROM TAB1 WHERE TAB1.简历Like "*篮球"C.SELECT TAB1.*FROM TAB1 WHERE TAB1.简历Like "*篮球*"D.SELECT TAB1.*FROM TAB1 WHERE TAB1.简历Like "篮球*"


二、考题解析【教学过程】Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Students can get some knowledge about the city Pompeii.Ability aim:Students can use the past perfect tense to describe a place.Emotional aim:Students will be interested in foreign history and have the desire to explore unknown things.Key and difficult point:Key Point: Students can fully understand the passage and find required information.Difficult Point: Students can cultivate the curiosity towards foreign history.Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greet the students.2. Show some pictures of culture relics and introduce some background knowledge about them.Step 2: Pre-reading1. Use pictures and videos to teach new words: Volcanic eruption, buried, event, etc.2. Exhibit the picture of Pompeii and ask students whether they know something about this city. Invite several people to briefly talk about it.Step 3: While-reading1. Read the text quickly and find the main content of the passage.2. Read it for the second time. Students need to complete the timeline after reading the passage.

读“南纬22°地形剖面图”,回答问题。 (1)地形名称A__________;B__________;C__________。 (2)大洋名称:F__________;E__________,其海底地形称__________。

在主线程中启动一个子线程执行reading函数。 import threading import time import random def reading(): for i in range(10): print("reading",i) time.sleep(random.randint(1,2)) _______________________________ r.setDaemon(False) r.start() print("The End")A.r=threading.Thread(reading)B.r=threading.Thread(target=reading())C.r=threading.Thread(target=reading)D.r=Thread(target=reading)