(b) Describe the content of a reference. (5 marks)

(b) Describe the content of a reference. (5 marks)


WAP网关根据什么判断页面上使用了WMLScript?() A.Content-IdB.Content-LocationC.Content-TypeD.Content-Disposition

The beauty of the place is beyond_.(describe)

(d) Draft a letter for Tim Blake to send to WM’s investors to include the following:(i) why you believe robust internal controls to be important; and(ii) proposals on how internal systems might be improved in the light of the overestimation of mallerite atWM.Note: four professional marks are available within the marks allocated to requirement (d) for the structure,content, style. and layout of the letter.(16 marks)

(iii) Whether or not you agree with the statement of the marketing director in note (9) above. (5 marks)Professional marks for appropriateness of format, style. and structure of the report. (4 marks)

(b) continuous auditing; (5 marks)

In relation to the courts’ powers to interpret legislation, explain and differentiate between:(a) the literal approach, including the golden rule; and (5 marks)(b) the purposive approach, including the mischief rule. (5 marks)

(b) ‘opinion shopping’; (5 marks)

(b) Explain the need for a first time group auditor to analyse the group structure. (5 marks)

(b) Wallace Co; and (5 marks)

下面关于设置HTML5编码格式得语法正确的是()。A.<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset="UTF-8"/>#B.<meta charset="UTF-8">#C.<meta charset="UTF-8"http-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html;charset="UTF-8"/>#D.以上都错误