Which of the following is true according to the text?A.Some Founding Fathers benefit politically from slavery.B.Slaves in the old days did not have the right to vote.C.Slave owners usually had large savings accounts.D.Slavery was regarded as a peculiar institution.

Which of the following is true according to the text?

A.Some Founding Fathers benefit politically from slavery.

B.Slaves in the old days did not have the right to vote.

C.Slave owners usually had large savings accounts.

D.Slavery was regarded as a peculiar institution.


下面关于文本框的说法中,错误的说法是 ______。A.Text1.Caption="Hello",是将在文本框Text1中显示HelloB.Text1.Locked=True,设置该文本框Text1不能编辑C.Text1.PasswordChar="#",设置文本框Text1输入的字符都显示为#,但实际接收的还是输入的内容D.Text1.Visible=False,设置该文本框Text1不可见

在窗体上画一个文本框,其名称为Text1。为了在程序运行后Text1中的文本不可编辑,应当使用的语句: ______。A.Text1.ClearB.Text1.Locked=TrueC.Text1.Visible=FalseD.Text1.Enabled=True

[A] officers [B] men [C] administrators [D] fathers

You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following


8、v-text的内容不能是如下哪种?A.‘hello vue’B.5C.i++D.true

设窗体上有一个文本框Text1,程序代码中有以下赋值语句(假定用到的控件和变量都存在),其中错误的是________。A.Text1.MaxLength = 30B.Text1.Text = 89C.Text1.Caption = 89D.Text1.FontBold = True

在VB开发实例一简单计算器中,文本输入框支持多行输入,这需要对某个属性进行设置,它是A.Text1.MultiLine = TrueB.Text1.Enabled = TrueC.Text1.Visible = TrueD.Text1.Locked = True

113、在VB开发实例一简单计算器中,文本输入框支持多行输入,这需要对某个属性进行设置,它是A.Text1.MultiLine = TrueB.Text1.Enabled = TrueC.Text1.Visible = TrueD.Text1.Locked = True

6、在VB开发实例一简单计算器中,文本输入框支持多行输入,这需要对某个属性进行设置,它是A.Text1.MultiLine = TrueB.Text1.Enabled = TrueC.Text1.Visible = TrueD.Text1.Locked = True