Mother lets me play football _____ I've finished homework. A.unlessB.untilC.only ifD.if only

Mother lets me play football _____ I've finished homework.



C.only if

D.if only


A wise mother never ______ her children to the slightest possibility of danger. (A) exposes(B) makes(C) sends(D) lets

It is ______ who ______ wrong.;; hasC.I; amD.I; is

I_____ jogging every morning in the park.A. goB. doC. play

After they finished _____football,they went for a drink in a

I _________ table tennis quite well, but I haven ’t had time to play since the New Year.A. will playB. have playedC. play

I've always enjoyed_____ football.A. to playB. playingC. play

–– Jack: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I'm starving.–– Mother:————————? We have to wait for daddy.A: Quickly, honeyB: OK, honeyC: Soon, honeyD: All right, honey

I() ping-pang quite well, but I haven t had time to play since the new year. A、will playB、have palyedC、playedD、play

根据下列程序的执行结果,可以断定划线部分的修饰符应为______。执行结果:i9a football is created.a football is created.i=10a football is destroyed.a football is created.i=20a football is destroyed.a football is destroyed.源程序:include<iostream.h>class Football{public:Football( ){cout<<"a football is created."<<endl;}~Football( ){tout<<"a football is destroyed."<<endl;}};void func(int i){______Football f1;Football f2;cout<<"i="<<i<<endl;}void main( ){func(10);func(20);}

B 宽度优先(种子染色法)5.关键路径几个定义: 顶点1为源点,n为汇点。a. 顶点事件最早发生时间Ve[j], Ve [j] = max{ Ve [j] + w[I,j] },其中Ve (1) = 0;b. 顶点事件最晚发生时间 Vl[j], Vl [j] = min{ Vl[j] – w[I,j] },其中 Vl(n) = Ve(n);c. 边活动最早开始时间 Ee[I], 若边I由j,k表示,则Ee[I] = Ve[j];d. 边活动最晚开始时间 El[I], 若边I由j,k表示,则El[I] = Vl[k] – w[j,k];若 Ee[j] = El[j] ,则活动j为关键活动,由关键活动组成的路径为关键路径。求解方法:a. 从源点起topsort,判断是否有回路并计算Ve;