Do you( )that cats eat grass? A.believeB.believe inC.believe thatD.believe at

Do you( )that cats eat grass?


B.believe in

C.believe that

D.believe at


You look(). What () you () ? A、tire, did…doB、tiring, have…doneC、tired, do…doD、tired, have…been doing

9. _______you _______ stay at home today?A. Do ; have toB. Must; have toC. Have; toD. Do ; must

本题统计字符串str中字母a出现的次数,其中str为“(7amp;asdfasdf873eat687al(4a”,字母a存储在字符变量c中,最后打印输出结果。public class javal{public static void main(String[]args){String str=(*amp;7asdf adf873eat687al(4a;char c;int sum=0;int i=0:do{c= ;if( )sum++:i++:}while( );System.out.println(sum=+sum);}}

you, do, eraser, how, spell【连词成句)________________________?


What () you () at eight o'clock tomorrow morning? A、are; doingB、do; youC、will; doD、will; be doing

以下程序的输出结果是()。main(){char*a[][5]={“how”,”do”,”you”,”do”,”!”};char**p;inti;p=a;for(i=0;i A.howdoyoudo!B.howC.howdoyoudoD.hdyd

You look() What()you()?Atire;did;doBtiring;have;doneCtired;do;doDtired;have;been doing

课后练习:按以下要求编写程序 (1)编写Plant接口,接口中声明eatable()方法 (2)定义Grass类和Tomato类实现Plant接口 (3)编写Grass类和Tomato类的测试类,并调用其中的eatable()方法,输出相关信息。

利用括号中的动词,使用正确的be going to do 形式填空。(答案之间放两个空格,不需要其他标点符号) A: What _____ you ________ (do) for Halloween?