


D 型水泵平时维护、调整较多的部位是什么?

矿山救护队的工作具有较大的() 和明显的() 。

不同行业中及不同的组织内部专业特点差别显著,很难说管理活动有什么共性。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

In July 1989, Dr.Fox and a team of scientists achieved a major scientific breakthrough.Fox discovered the gene (基因) that causes cystic fibrosis (膀胱纤维症) (CF).Many geneticists consider it 's one of the most significantdiscoveries in human genetics.Theresults of Fox work have helped scientists developtests that identify carriers of the CFgene.They hope his research could cure CF.a testhas been developed to identify peoplerrying the cystic fibrosis gene.The test isbased on knowing where the gene is locatedhe CF gene is a recessive gene.Thismeans a person can carry one copy of the gene andstill not be affected by the disease.However if this person has children with anothererson who carries the Cf genethere is a 25 chance that their children will inherit twoopies of the gene and sufferfrom the disease.The test identifies whether pat for cysticrents carrythe defective CF gene.Researchers are also using Fox discovery to find a curefibrosis.They areworking to produce a drug that will change the activity of the Cf geneId alsoattempting to replace the defective gene with one that functions properly.Itdifficultto produce a drug that changes the Cf gene but does not affect the 100000thergenes of human.But Fox discovery has at least given a chance for the cure othe CF1.A person with ( ) of a harmful recessive gene will be affectedA.one copyB two opiesC.no copiesD three copies.2.We can find answers to the following questions in the passage except ()A.Do people with CF live longer than they did in the past.B Describeused to treat CFC.Evaluate the current methods used to treat CFD.Describe the drugs used to treat CF3.The following statements are true except ()A Only one quarter of people will have chance to have the disease.B.Fox discovery help scientist develop tests that identify carriers of the CF geneC.Scientist has already produced a drug to CFD.To produce a drug is not easy because it should changes the CF gene but notaffectothers4.The word “recessive” (line 6) probably means ()A.hiddenB concealingC.faintD covered5.The best title for the passage would be ()A.Why People Have CFB.The Drugs Used to Treat CFC.The Methods of Curing CFD.TheSignificance of the DiscoveryCystic Fibrosis Gene

对于电压互感器下列哪个是对的()。 A.一台单相电压互感器用于110kv及以上中性点接地系统时,测量相对地电压B.一台单相电压互感器用于110kv及以上中性点接地系统时,测量相间电压C.一台单相电压互感器用于35kv及以上中性点接地系统时,测量相对地电压D.一台单相电压互感器用于110kv及以上中性点接地系统时,测量相间电压


企业在财务报告中进行了会计政策变更,应将变更的内容和理由在()披露。 A.资产负债表B.现金流量表C.会计报表附注D.财务情况说明书

焊接接头进行抗拉强度试验时,抗拉强度应不低于()为合格。 A.焊条规定下限值B.母材规定下限值C.焊条或母材的试验值

广播电视网络是指由 ______ 、 ______ 的广播媒介和电视媒介组成的信息传播系统,它包括各层次的无线电广播媒介系统、有线广播媒介系统、无线电视媒介系统、有线电视媒介系统和卫星电视广播系统。