I'm sure Harry will remember, but why not give him a ring ________ he forgets?A in the caseB in case ofC in caseD in the case of

I'm sure Harry will remember, but why not give him a ring ________ he forgets?

A in the case

B in case of

C in case

D in the case of


Harry: I hate history.Susan: I don't. (57) I'm reading about the Romans.

Harry: Oh, those Romans...Susan: You are hopeless. So, (59) ?Harry: I'm preparing for a meeting tomorrow.

Susan: When's the meeting?Harry: I'm driving into London tomorrow morning. The meeting (60) .

Saul's brother left the matter entirely up to ______ and ______.A. I, heB. him, IC. me, heD. him, me

Was it ( ) who used the Xerox machine just now A、he'sB、heC、hisD、him

John: Well, it's getting late. Maybe we could get together some other time.Harry: _________.A、Take it easyB、Nice to see you backC、Sounds goodD、I'll give you a callE、Yes,I've enjoyed it

If I had come here yesterday, I _______him. A. would have seenB. would seeC. have seenD. saw

17.A. He’sB. HisC. HeD. Him

He’s a strange child and his teachers find it difficult to ______ him.A.scoldB.reachC.playD.seize

--I've taken someone else's green sweater by mistake.--It __________Harry's. He always wears green.A.has to beB.will beC.mustn't beD.could be