5.—Do you think bread is very popular in China?—__________A. Yes,l am. B. No,l don-t think so.C. No,l think it isn't. D. Yes,l think they do.

5.—Do you think bread is very popular in China?


A. Yes,l am. B. No,l don-t think so.

C. No,l think it isn't. D. Yes,l think they do.


- May I help you, madam? -(). A、Sorry, I have no ideaB、Yes, I know what to buyC、You'd better give me a handD、Yes, I'd like 2 kilos of oranges

Does modern logistics mean transportation and delivery?()Modern logistics is more about effective and efficient flow of materials and information.A、 Yes, you’re rightB、 No, it’s not the whole storyC、 No, you' re wrong

—Would you mind if I read the book here? —________. A: CertainlyB: Yes, pleaseC: Not at allD: No, you'd better not

—Do you mind My taking this seat?—______ A、Yes, sitB、No, of couseC、Yes, take it please.D、No, you

---Excuse me, may I sit here? ---_______ .A、Please sit downB、You ’re welcomeC、Yes, certainly. This seat’s freeD、Yes, it doesn’t matter

脊髓髓内传导束呈层次排列,下列哪些阐述是正确的 A、脊髓丘脑束:自内而外为S-L-Th-CB、皮质脊髓束:自内而外为C-Th-L-SC、后索:自内而外为S-L-Th-CD、后索:自内而外为C-Th-L-SE、脊髓丘脑束:自内而外为C-Th-L-S

5.—Can you go to the mall with me this afternoon?—_______A. Sorry,l’d not hereB. Sure,l-d love toC. Sorry,l canD. Yes,I’ll

26. —Do you like fruit?—Yes,l like _________best.A. potatoesB. chickenC. pearsD. bread

--You're not a freshman,are you?--__I am a second-year student.A.Yes,I'm notB.No,I amC.No,I'm notD.Yes,I am

【单选题】以下不正确的是 。A.char a[l0]="china"; C. char*a; a="china";B.char a[l0],*p=a; p="china"; D. char a[l0],*p; p=a="china";