25________25. A bought B made C attached D mended


25. A bought B made C attached D mended


A label was ________ to my bag. (A) given(B) attached(C) handed(D) turned

We have been () walnutmeat form. the local commission houses, who () send us quotations regularly.A、bought,used toB、buying,used toC、buy,are usedD、bought,used to

It takes two weeks for Smith's left hand to get entirely ( ).A. curedB. dedicatedC. healedD. mended

The school is ____________ to the university as a teaching research centre. A.connectedB.joinedC.unitedD.attached

The bike needs____. A.mendB.to mendC.mendingD.mended

Thousands of foreigners were______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.A. attendedB. attainedC. attractedD. attached

His shoes were shined to perfection.A:clearedB:washedC:polishedD:mended

His shoes were shined to perfection.A:polishedB:clearedC:washedD:mended

His shoes were shined to perfection.A:clearedB:polishedC:washedD:mended

The document was compiled by the Department of Health.A:printedB:sentC:writtenD:attached