ASCII is a 7-bit code used to represent numeric, alphabetic, and special printable characters. It also includes codes for control characters, which areA.printable or displayableB.not printable or displayableC.not printable but displayableD.printable but not displayable

ASCII is a 7-bit code used to represent numeric, alphabetic, and special printable characters. It also includes codes for control characters, which are

A.printable or displayable

B.not printable or displayable

C.not printable but displayable

D.printable but not displayable


●ASCII is a 7-bit code used to represent numeric,alphabetic,and special printable characters.It also includes codes for control characters,which are (75) .(75) A.printable or displayableB.not printable or displayableC.not printable but displayableD.printable but not displayable

What does “SWL” stand for?/ represent

A BGP router is configured with bgp dampening 8 300 1500 20 route-map 1 .What does the value of 20 represent?() A. reuseB. suppressC. half-lifeD. max-suppress-time

For the interface ge-1/2/3.4, what does the "ge" represent?() A. Gigabit EthernetB. SONET/SDHC. Aggregated EthernetD. GRE

For the interface ge-1/2/3.4, what does "ge" represent?() A. SONET/SDHB. Gigabit EthernetC. Aggregated EthernetD. GRE

在Radius协议中,对CODE=1的报文的响应有三种,除了CODE=3和CODE=11的报文外,第三种可能的应答报文是()。 A.CODE=2的报文B.CODE=4的报文C.CODE=5的报文D.CODE=10的报文


下列样式代码中,可精确定义元素位置的是()A.special{ position: absolute;}B.special{ position: absolute; top:20px; left:16px;}C.special{ position: relative;; top:20px; left:16px;}D.special{ position: relative;}

【多选题】下列样式代码中,可精确定义元素位置的是:A..special{ position: absolute;}B..special{ position: absolute; top:20px; left:16px;}C..special{ position: relative;; top:20px; left:16px;}D..special{ position: relative;}