A small percentage of the grain ______ ruined by the prolonged rain.A. wasB. wereC. isD. are

A small percentage of the grain ______ ruined by the prolonged rain.

A. was

B. were

C. is

D. are


I heard that Tim was knocked down by a car and badly (). A、damagedB、injuredC、hurtD、ruined

Besides ability, the other essential ______ in political success is luck. A. elementB. portionC. roleD. percentage

每小时内燃烧120grain(1grain=0.6g)鲸蜡所发出的光量,称为1()。 A.立体角B.国际烛光C.坎德拉D.流明

[A] ruined[B] commuted[C] patrolled[D] gained

Whatisthedefaultmaximumreservablebandwidth(percentage)byanysingleflowonaninterfaceafterenablingRSVP?() A.75percentB.60percentC.56percentD.50percentE.25percent

The precious manuscripts were hopelessly( )by long exposure in the cold,damp cellar.A.damagedB.destroyedC.harmedD.ruined


Which of the following is not one of the leading agricultural exports of Australia? A.Wool B.Meat C.Wheat D.Grain

