--- What' s the matter with Della?--- Well, her parents wouldn't allow her to go to the party, but she still __. A. hopes toB. hopes soC. hopes notD. hopes for

--- What' s the matter with Della?

--- Well, her parents wouldn't allow her to go to the party, but she still __. A. hopes to

B. hopes so

C. hopes not

D. hopes for


Some first-generation college students carry __________ hopes and dreams of __________ parents for a better life than they have had. A./, theirB.their, theC.the, theirD.the, /

我是这位流行歌手的经纪人,歌星将巡回演出到中国为了举办好她的演唱会,我们需要一些保安A. A pop singer will begin her tour in China. The manager hopes to celebrate the performance, so he needs some securitiesB. I’m a manager of the pop singer who will begin her tour in China. We need some securities for the concertC. I’m a broker for a pop singer who will perform in China. We need some securities for the tourD. I’m a broker for a pop star who will give her performance in China. She needs some securities as her bodyguards.

The bad weather ________ our hopes of going out. A. dispiritedB. frustratedC. fulfilledD. lost

The researcher hopes to assess the degree ______ these tools help solve real-world problemA.thatB.to thatC.whichD.to which

Which one is NOT the cause of the generation gap?A. Young people like to choose their own lifestyles.B. American society is changing very fast.C. Parents place high hopes on their children.D. Modem education makes them think differently.

She hopes________ (be)a doctor when she grows up.

-Are the Project Managers linking up OK? -They seem to be, yes._________ . A One of them hopes to quit now ;B There's been a good atmosphere at the first management meetings ;C They don't seem to know each other

Sarah hopes to become a friend of ( ) shares her interests. A、whomeverB、whoeverC、no matter whoD、anyone

--- What' s the matter with Della?--- Well, her parents wouldn't allow her to go to the party, but she still __A. hopes to B. hopes so C. hopes not D. hopes for

Which of the following is TRUE?A. The writer's family is the poorest one on that street.B. Watching the rich girl eating cookies, those hungry children cried.C. The writer wants to move out of that district.D. The writer hopes that her children will become teachers.

29. Ann didn't go back home because__________A. she didn't want toB. she was too busy to go homeC. she didn’t miss her fatherD. she had to look for a job

听下面一段对话,回答第14至第17四个小题。第14题:Why is the woman asking for leave?A. She plans to go to the UK with her parents.B. She has to take care of her parents at home.C. She wants to spend some time with her parents.

Mary hopes to be ___ from hospital next week.A.dismisseD.B.dischargeD.C.expelleD.D.resigneD.

You will insult her if you don't go to her party.

共用题干Sport or Spectacle?Muhammad Aui is probably the most famous sports figure on earth:he is recognized on every continent and by all generations. The__________(51)of his illness as Parkinson's disease after his retirement fuelled the debate about the dangers of boxing and criticism__________(52)the sport. That,plus his outspoken opposition___________(53)women's boxing,made people wonder how he would react when one of his daugh- ters decided to____________(54)up the sport.His presence at Laila's first professional fight,however,seemed to broadcast a father's support.Of course Muhammad Aui wanted to___________(55)his daughter fight.The ring announcer introduced him as the"the greatest"and as he sat down at the ringside the crowd chanted.Twenty-one-year-old Laila's debut fight(首次亮相)was a huge success and there was as much publicity for the___________(56)as her father's fights once attracted Laila's opponent was much weaker than she was and__________(57)the fight lasted just 31 seconds.Since then, Laila has won most of her fights by knoc-king out her opponent"She knows ______ (58)she's doing,"said one referee about her."She knowsabout moving well.You can see some of her dad's moves."Laila Ali would rather not_________ (59)herself to her father. She prefers to make. __________(60). Her father supports her decision to enter the sport but he has not spared her the details of what can happen. Laila__________(61)that her father wants her to understand the worst possible scenario to see_________(62) she still wants to go forward with it.She knows she's going to get hit hard at times,that she may get a broken nose or a swollen(肿胀的)face , but at least she is prepared for it.Laila's decision to start boxing despite her father's__________(63)with the symptoms of Parkinson's disease has of course sparked a mixture of praise and__________(64).But Laila is a determined individual and it is her famous last name that has made her a magnet for worldwide media attention.Of course,the ___________(65)on the boxing scene of a woman with her family history attracts even more questions about whether women's boxing is sport or spectacle._________(61)A:realizesB:suggestsC:proposesD:hopes

It′s that time of the yea—graduation.The end of school year is nearly in sight,and it′s an especially big deal if?you′re finishing high school or college.One amazing(令人惊叹的)16-year-old Florida girl,Grace Bush,graduated from both high school and college this week!She actually got her college diploma(毕业证书)before her high school diploma.How′d she do that?"Hard work and dedication(专心致志),"she told a local TV news station,"have made me succeed in doing high school and college at the same time."She started taking college courses when she was just 13.She would often?get up at 5:30 a.m.and not finish until after 11 p.m.Doing both at once is a huge achievement,but it has also helped her family save money.She′s one of the 9?children,all home-schooled until the age of 13.Her father is a math professor while her mother is a part-time history?teacher in a high school.Grace Bush has earned her college degree in law,with a near perfect GPA of 3.8 and she?hopes to become a lawyer one day,although her parents expect her to teach at university.By the way,she also plays?basketball in her college team in her spare time.What do Grace′s parents want her to be in future?A.A news reporter.B.A basketball player.C.A university teacher.D.A lawyer.

It′s that time of the yea—graduation.The end of school year is nearly in sight,and it′s an especially big deal if?you′re finishing high school or college.One amazing(令人惊叹的)16-year-old Florida girl,Grace Bush,graduated from both high school and college this week!She actually got her college diploma(毕业证书)before her high school diploma.How′d she do that?"Hard work and dedication(专心致志),"she told a local TV news station,"have made me succeed in doing high school and college at the same time."She started taking college courses when she was just 13.She would often?get up at 5:30 a.m.and not finish until after 11 p.m.Doing both at once is a huge achievement,but it has also helped her family save money.She′s one of the 9?children,all home-schooled until the age of 13.Her father is a math professor while her mother is a part-time history?teacher in a high school.Grace Bush has earned her college degree in law,with a near perfect GPA of 3.8 and she?hopes to become a lawyer one day,although her parents expect her to teach at university.By the way,she also plays?basketball in her college team in her spare time.Why does the author say that Grace is amazing?A.She finished high school earlier than others.B.She never went to bed before 11 p.m.C.She graduated from both high school and college at 16.D.She got two diplomas from the same school.

It′s that time of the yea—graduation.The end of school year is nearly in sight,and it′s an especially big deal if?you′re finishing high school or college.One amazing(令人惊叹的)16-year-old Florida girl,Grace Bush,graduated from both high school and college this week!She actually got her college diploma(毕业证书)before her high school diploma.How′d she do that?"Hard work and dedication(专心致志),"she told a local TV news station,"have made me succeed in doing high school and college at the same time."She started taking college courses when she was just 13.She would often?get up at 5:30 a.m.and not finish until after 11 p.m.Doing both at once is a huge achievement,but it has also helped her family save money.She′s one of the 9?children,all home-schooled until the age of 13.Her father is a math professor while her mother is a part-time history?teacher in a high school.Grace Bush has earned her college degree in law,with a near perfect GPA of 3.8 and she?hopes to become a lawyer one day,although her parents expect her to teach at university.By the way,she also plays?basketball in her college team in her spare time.Which of the following is the key to Grace′s success?A.Taking college courses at 13.B.Doing high school and college at the same time.C.Being born in a professor's family.D.Being devoted to her studies.

It′s that time of the yea—graduation.The end of school year is nearly in sight,and it′s an especially big deal if?you′re finishing high school or college.One amazing(令人惊叹的)16-year-old Florida girl,Grace Bush,graduated from both high school and college this week!She actually got her college diploma(毕业证书)before her high school diploma.How′d she do that?"Hard work and dedication(专心致志),"she told a local TV news station,"have made me succeed in doing high school and college at the same time."She started taking college courses when she was just 13.She would often?get up at 5:30 a.m.and not finish until after 11 p.m.Doing both at once is a huge achievement,but it has also helped her family save money.She′s one of the 9?children,all home-schooled until the age of 13.Her father is a math professor while her mother is a part-time history?teacher in a high school.Grace Bush has earned her college degree in law,with a near perfect GPA of 3.8 and she?hopes to become a lawyer one day,although her parents expect her to teach at university.By the way,she also plays?basketball in her college team in her spare time.What did the parents do to help Grace with her education?A.They shared with her college history lessons.B.They taught her until she was 13.C.They made her interested in math.D.They hired a part-time teacher.

单选题He hopes to()his paintings before the public in New York very soon.AexhibitBexposeCexpressDexperience

单选题The survivors()to a floating tree in hopes of rescue.AtiedBseizedCclaimedDclung

单选题From “I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectation from my parents”, we can infer that _____.ARowling’s expectation is different from her parents’BRowing’s parents hoped to be richCRowling’s parents support her writing careerDRowing and her parents didn’t get along well

单选题Lucy's parents give her everything she asks; what else does she need?AeverythingBasksCwhat elseDneed

单选题—Where’s Cathy?  —______ Anything wrong?  —I asked her to do something, but she wouldn’t.  —______  —To wash her hair before supper.AShe is upstairs in her room. What for?BShe is ill. ; What did you tell her to do?CShe is upstairs in her room. ; What did you tell her to do?DShe has gone to see a doctor. ; What is she going to do?

单选题She didn’t go to the party last night, _____ she had to finish her term paper.AifBthoughCtillDbecause

单选题I have no _____ to take notes in hopes of future use.AleisureBspareClaundryDleague

单选题What can we learn from the second paragraph?ACatwalkGenius.com financed Franny Armstrong to make her new movie.BFranny Armstrong hopes to attend the Sundance Film Festival.CPeople who gave 20 quids ($35) can get a ticket to watch the film.DAll those who financed the film will get a percentage of the profits.