Nobody believes him ()he said.A. even thoughB. in spite ofC. no matter whatD. as though

Nobody believes him ()he said.

A. even though

B. in spite of

C. no matter what

D. as though


—John sings so well. Has he ever been trained?—No. He learns all by himself. He??____________ goes to any training class.A. usually B. often C. never D. even

at, is, good, nobody, everything__________________________________________________________________________.

"Nope" is the another way to say()A、noB、nineC、noneD、nobody

Was it ( ) who used the Xerox machine just now A、he'sB、heC、hisD、him

The majority of doctors ( )smoking is harmful ( )health. A、believes/ toB、believe/ forC、believes/ forD、believe/ to

______ a shortage of raw materials,industrial output has increased by five percent this year. A.ThoughB.DespiteC.AlthoughD.Spite

We will try again ____________ the failure.A、in spiteB、in spite ofC、despite ofD、spite

He ___ his success to good luck more than to ability. A.ownsB.owesC.givesD.believes

17.A. He’sB. HisC. HeD. Him

He’s a strange child and his teachers find it difficult to ______ him.A.scoldB.reachC.playD.seize