Membership in the House of Representatives is based on_____.( ) A.the number of cities in each stateB.the number of families in each stateC.the size of population in each stateD.the size of cities in each state

Membership in the House of Representatives is based on_____.( )

A.the number of cities in each state

B.the number of families in each state

C.the size of population in each state

D.the size of cities in each state


The House of () is the oldest part of Parliament.It evolved from a council. A.CommonsB.PeopleC.LordsD.Representatives

下面,哪几个方法可以让你决定一个用户是否在指定的角色中?() A.Roles.GetAllRolesB.Membership.GetAllUsersC.Membership.FindUsersByNameD.Roles.IsUserInRoleE.Roles.GetRolesForUser

According to the last paragraph, the fourth way is "of a different kind" because( )[A] the first three ways can increase the water supply, while the fourth one can't[B] the first three ways can make a better use of water, while the fourth one can't[C] the first three ways is technology-based, while the fourth one is market-based[D] the first three ways can't balance the supply and demand of water, while the fourth one can


3、Q-learning属于哪种算法A.On-policy算法B.Off-policy 算法C.Model-based 算法D.Value-based 算法

2、Q-learning属于哪种算法A.On-policy算法B.Off-policy 算法C.Model-based 算法D.Value-based 算法


3、孟子和荀子都是先秦时期儒家学说的代表人物。A.Mencius and Xunzi were the early Qin Period' Confucianism' representatives.#B.Mencius and Xunzi were Confucianist representatives in the early Qin Period.#C./#D./

不需要建模环境,等待真实反馈再进行接下来的动作,这是哪种强化学习算法A.Model-free方法B.Model-based 方法C.Policy-based 方法D.Value-based 方法

17、不需要建模环境,等待真实反馈再进行接下来的动作,这是哪种强化学习算法A.Model-free方法B.Model-based 方法C.Policy-based 方法D.Value-based 方法