要将职能组织和WBS元素联系起来,项目经理应该使用一个:A、 WBS索引B、 项目WBSC、 成本帐目矩阵D、 工作包分配索引


A、 WBS索引

B、 项目WBS

C、 成本帐目矩阵

D、 工作包分配索引


Achieving effective upward communications in an organization requires that the sender consider which of the following:A entropyB positionC the mediumD A and B.E All of the above.

77 Control chart theory is based on the differentiation of the causes of variations in quality. Variations may be produced by assignable causes. All of the following are examples of assignable causes except: A. differences among machines.B. differences among workers.C. differences among materials.D. differences in each of these factors over time.E. None of the above (all are examples)

169 Which type of process involves the agency holding discussions with each of the offerors, after receipt of their proposals, in the process of arriving at an agreement prior to the award of a contract? A. Sealed biddingB. Competitive proposalsC. Noncompetitive proposalsD. Formal bidE. Verbal bid

178 Bar charts are most appropriate for:A. Comparing actual to planned performance to each activity.B. Showing slack time.C. Showing critical path dependencies.D. Showing which activities can be rearranged in parallel.E. All of the above

104 Using the situation stated in the Special window, the schedule performance index (SPI) for WBS Element P is:A. 1.10B. 0.90C. 0.956D. 1.15E. 0.869

21 Using the scenario in the special window, the project manager:A. will probably spend the weekend reviewing the data.B. Won't ask for the report again.C. Has a preference for written communication.D. Has chosen an inappropriate medium.E. Is experiencing communication overload

在面对面交流中,信息同时以语言和非语言的形式传递.若非语言暗示与所说的信息不相符,交流发生障碍.非语言沟通包括运用___a. 形体特征b. 美学特征c. 标记d. 符号e. 以上全部

灵敏度分析和头脑风暴法是两种不同的风险识别方法,灵敏度分析的优点有:A、 仅针对公众确定风险B、 考虑独立的答案C、 管理层理解可能会有大量不同的结果D、 可以提供项目经理可能缺乏的对项目的理解