[A] turning [B] tuning [C] tucking [D] tugging

[A] turning [B] tuning [C] tucking [D] tugging


Examine the commands executed to monitor database operations:$ conn sys oracle/oracle@prod as sysdbaSQL VAR eid NUMBERSQL EXEC: eid := DBMS_SQL_MONITOR.BEGIN_OPERATION (‘batch_job’ , FORCED_TRACKING = ‘Y’);Which two statements are true?()A. Database operations will be monitored only when they consume a significant amount of resource.B. Database operations for all sessions will be monitored.C. Database operations will be monitored only if the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to TYPICAL and CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS is set DIAGNISTIC + tuning.D. Only DML and DDL statements will be monitored for the session.E. All subsequent statements in the session will be treated as one database operation and will be monitored.

A new report process containing a complex query is written, with high impact on the database. You wantto collect basic statistics about query, such as the level of parallelism, total database time, and the number of I/O requests.For the database instance STATISTICS_LEVEL, the initialization parameter is set to TYPICAL and theCONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS parameter is set to DIAGNOSTIC+TUNING.What should you do to accomplish this task?()A. Execute the query and view Active Session History (ASH) for information about the query.B. Enable SQL trace for the query.C. Create a database operation, execute the query, and use the DBMS_SQL_MONITOR. REPORT_SQL_MONITOR function to view the report.D. Use the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_SESSION_LONGOPS procedure to monitor query execution and view the information from the V$SESSION_LONGOPS view.

The effect of wind on exposed areas of the vessel is most noticeable when ______.A.backingB.going slow aheadC.going full aheadD.turning

Frankenstein's monster haunts discussions of the ethics of artificial intetligence:the fear is that scientists will create something that has purposes and even desires of its own and which will carry them out at the expense of human beings.This is a misleading picture because it suggests that there will be a moment at which the monster comes alive:the switch is thrown,the program run,and after that its human creators can do nothing more.In real life there will be no such singularity.Construction of AI and its deployment will be continuous processes,with humans involved and to some extent responsible at every step.This is what makes Google'-s declarations of ethical principles for its use of AI so significant,because it seems to be the result of a revolt among the company's programmers.The senior management at Google saw the supply of AI to the Pentagon as a goldmine,if only it could be kept from public knowledge."Avoid at all costs any mention or implication of Al,"wrole Google Cloud's chief scientist for AI in a memo."I don't know what would happen if the media starts picking up a theme that Google is building AI weapons or AI technologies to enable weapons for the Defense industry."That,of course,is exactly what the company had been doing.Google had been subcontracting for the Pentagon on Project Maven,which was meant to bring the benefits of AI to war-fighting.Then the media found out and more than 3,000 0f its own employees prote.sted.Only iwo things frighten the tech giants:onc i.s the stock market;the other is an organised workforce.The employees'agitation led to Google announcing six principles of ethical AI,among them that it will not make weapons systems.or technologies whose purpose,or use in surveillance,violates international principles of human rights.This still leaves a huge intentional exception:profiting from"non-lethal"defence technology.Obviously we cannot expect all companies,still less all programmers,to show this kind of ethical fine-tuning.Other companies will bid for Pentagon business:Google had to beat IBM,Amazon and Microsoft to gain the Maven contract.But in all these cases,the companies involved-which means the people who work for them-will be actively involved in maintaining,tweaking and improving the work.This opens an opportunity for consistent ethical pressure and for the attribution of responsibility to human beings and not to inanimate objects.Questions about the ethics of artificial intelligence are questions about the ethics of the people who make it and the purposes they put it to.It is not the monster,but the good Dr Frankenstein we need to worry about most.The author suggests in the last paragraph thatA.companies should unite to boycott the Maven project.B.the Pentagon should consider the bidders'morality.C.AI creators should take responsibility for AI ethics.D.Priority should be given to the development of AI

Frankenstein's monster haunts discussions of the ethics of artificial intetligence:the fear is that scientists will create something that has purposes and even desires of its own and which will carry them out at the expense of human beings.This is a misleading picture because it suggests that there will be a moment at which the monster comes alive:the switch is thrown,the program run,and after that its human creators can do nothing more.In real life there will be no such singularity.Construction of AI and its deployment will be continuous processes,with humans involved and to some extent responsible at every step.This is what makes Google'-s declarations of ethical principles for its use of AI so significant,because it seems to be the result of a revolt among the company's programmers.The senior management at Google saw the supply of AI to the Pentagon as a goldmine,if only it could be kept from public knowledge."Avoid at all costs any mention or implication of Al,"wrole Google Cloud's chief scientist for AI in a memo."I don't know what would happen if the media starts picking up a theme that Google is building AI weapons or AI technologies to enable weapons for the Defense industry."That,of course,is exactly what the company had been doing.Google had been subcontracting for the Pentagon on Project Maven,which was meant to bring the benefits of AI to war-fighting.Then the media found out and more than 3,000 0f its own employees prote.sted.Only iwo things frighten the tech giants:onc i.s the stock market;the other is an organised workforce.The employees'agitation led to Google announcing six principles of ethical AI,among them that it will not make weapons systems.or technologies whose purpose,or use in surveillance,violates international principles of human rights.This still leaves a huge intentional exception:profiting from"non-lethal"defence technology.Obviously we cannot expect all companies,still less all programmers,to show this kind of ethical fine-tuning.Other companies will bid for Pentagon business:Google had to beat IBM,Amazon and Microsoft to gain the Maven contract.But in all these cases,the companies involved-which means the people who work for them-will be actively involved in maintaining,tweaking and improving the work.This opens an opportunity for consistent ethical pressure and for the attribution of responsibility to human beings and not to inanimate objects.Questions about the ethics of artificial intelligence are questions about the ethics of the people who make it and the purposes they put it to.It is not the monster,but the good Dr Frankenstein we need to worry about most.The author implies in Paragraph l that AIA.may be used by scientists to satisfy their own desires.B.will be carried out at the expense of human lives.C.may take over most of the jobs from human beings.D.will be developed step by step under human control.

在UG NX10中,对零件模型进行平面铣加工编程应选择()。A.mill_planarB.mill_contourC.drillD.turning


在UG NX中,对零件模型进行平面铣加工编程应选择()。A.mill_planarB.mill_contourC.drillD.turning
