Two months ago he ____from abroad. A.returnB. returnsC.returnedD. was returning

Two months ago he ____from abroad.


B. returns


D. was returning


They fulfilled the task in()it took us. A、two-thirds timeB、two-thirds timesC、two-thirds the timeD、the two-thirds time

( 10 )执行下列程序,显示的结果是 【 10 】 。one= "WORK"two = ""a = LEN ( one )i = aDO WHILE i=1two = two + SUBSTR ( one ,i , 1 )i=i - 1ENDDO? two

Today Tom goes to school earlier than()。 A、as usualB、usualC、usuallyD、ago

i need a _______________ milk for this recipe. A. two-litre carton ofB. two litres carton ofC. two-litres-carton ofD. two-litre carton

The professor asked us to write a _____________ report.A、two-hundreds-wordsB、two-hundreds-wordC、two-hundred-wordsD、two-hundred-word

以下对枚举类型名的定义中正确的是______。A.enum a={one,two,three};B.enum a{on=9,two=-1,three};C.enum a={"one","two","three"};D.enum a{"one","two","three"};

TheONS15216isa32-channelsystem.TheONS15216OADMsarecapableofaddinganddroppingone,two,orfourchannels.HowaretheOADMsprovisionedtoaddanddropspecificchannels?() A.TheONS15216OADMcanbeprovisionedtoadd/dropone,two,orfourchannelsviaCiscoTransportManager(CTM).B.TheONS15216OADMconsistsonlyofafour-channelmodule,andthenumberofportsutilizeddetermineswhetheritisaone,two,orfourchannelOADM.C.ThreeseparateOADMmodulesareavailableforone,two,andfourchannels.ThewavelengthstobedroppedandaddedareprogrammableviaCiscoTransportManager(CTM).D.TheONS15216OADMconsistsonlyofasingle-channelmodule.Two-channelandfour-channelsupportisavailablebystackingthesingle-channelmodule.E.TheONS15216OADMisavailableinone,two,fourchannels.Thereare32single-channelOADMmodules,16two-channelOADMmodules,and8four-channelOADMmodules.

The ONS 15216 is a 32-channel system. The ONS 15216 OADMs are capable of adding and dropping one, two, or four channels. How are the OADMs provisioned to add and drop specific channels?() A. The ONS 15216 OADM can be provisioned to add/drop one, two, or four channels via Cisco Transport Manager (CTM).B. The ONS 15216 OADM consists only of a four-channel module, and the number of ports utilized determines whether it is a one, two, or four channel OADM.C. Three separate OADM modules are available for one, two, and four channels. The wavelengths to be dropped and added are programmable via Cisco Transport Manager (CTM).D. The ONS 15216 OADM consists only of a single-channel module. Two-channel and four-channel support is available by stacking the single-channel module.E. The ONS 15216 OADM is available in one, two, four channels. There are 32 single-channel OADM modules, 16 two-channel OADM modules, and 8 four-channel OADM modules.

About ________ of the workers in the factory were born in the ________.A.two-thirds, 1970 B.two-thirds, 1970s C.two-third,1970 D.two-third, 1970s

12. About_______ of the workers in the factory were born in the __________.A. two- thirds;1970B. two- thirds ; 1970sC. two-third ; 1970D. two-third ; 1970s