我们所说的真北方向即磁针静止后,指北针所指方向。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
下列关于磁场的叙述,其中不正确的是() The following statement about magnetic field is incorrect ()A.在磁铁周围放入小磁针,磁铁产生磁场,取走小磁针,磁铁周围的磁场就消失了Put a small magnetic needle around the magnet. The magnet generates a magnetic field. Take away the small magnetic needle, and the magnetic field around the magnet disappears#B.某一点磁场方向,就是放在该点的小磁针静止时北极所指的方向The direction of the magnetic field at a certain point is the direction of the north pole when the small magnetic needle placed at that point#C.磁感线是有方向的,在磁体周围的磁感线都是从磁体的北极出来,回到南极The magnetic li
磁场中某点的磁感应强度的方向 ()A.放在该点的通电直导线所受的磁场力的方向B.放在该点的正检验电荷所受的磁场力的方向C.放在该点的小磁针静止时N极所指的方向D.通过该点磁场线的切线方向