Nguyen Thu Hang lets her husband make important decisions.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Nguyen Thu Hang lets her husband make important decisions.()



The Internet has changed the way people work.They can __1__ from place to place while getting in touch __2__ their office all the time via the Internet.A recent __3__ in the America magazine, Newsweek, said more than 89 million Americana now use the Internet at work.One can __4__ imagine how business could be done without the Internet.The Internet is becoming more __4__ than any one had thought possible.And its importance is __5__ to increase more in the future.1).A.travelB.withC.reportD.expectedE.important2).A.travelB.withC.reportD.expectedE.important3).A.travelB.withC.reportD.expectedE.important4).A.travelB.withC.reportD.expectedE.important5).A.travelB.withC.reportD.expectedE.important

A wise mother never ______ her children to the slightest possibility of danger. (A) exposes(B) makes(C) sends(D) lets

She's?at?her?best?when?she's?making?big?decisions. () 此题为判断题(对,错)。


Wife. Do you have any idea for the weekend?Husband: ______?


下面关于CSS样式优先级,正确的是A.!important > id > class >> !important > class > tagC.!important > tag > class > idD.tag> id > class > !important


提升选择器样式重要性的代码正确的是(){ color:green!important; }{ !important color:green; }!important{ color:green!important; }{ color:green; }!important;

CSS优先级说法正确的是?A.!important > id > class > tagB.!important < id < class < tagC.!important>class>id>tagD.!important>tag>id>class