which of the following is unconstitutional in the united states?A. Public money is provided to support religious schools.B. Non-Catholics can go to Catholic-run schools.C. Catholics can build their own schools and hospitals.D. Women have the right to abortion.

which of the following is unconstitutional in the united states?

A. Public money is provided to support religious schools.

B. Non-Catholics can go to Catholic-run schools.

C. Catholics can build their own schools and hospitals.

D. Women have the right to abortion.


You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following

在下列基类的定义中,有无virtual修饰use成员函数的结果将不同,其原因是______。当use( )为虚拟函数时的程序执行结果:sizeof(A)=8sized(B)=12sizeof(C)=16当use( )非虚拟函数时的程序执行结果:sizeof(A)=4sized(B)=8sizeof(C)=12源程序如下:include<iostream.h>class Grandad{public:Grandad( ):money(10){}int money;virtual void use( ){}};class Father:public Grandad{public:Father( ):money(100){}int money;void use( ){}};class Son:public Father{public:Son( ):money(300){}int money;void use( ){}};void main(void){Grandad A;Father B;Son C;cout<<"sizeof(A)="<<sizeof(A)<<endl;cout<<"sizeof(B)="<<sizeof(B)<<endl;cout<<"sizeof(C)="<<sizeof(C)<<endl;}

Both leaders of two sides agreed to settle the dispute by peaceful means.A:solve B:finishC:unite D:stop


阅读下列说明和C++代码,将应填入 (n) 处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】 某大型购物中心欲开发一套收银软件,要求其能够支持购物中心在不同时期推出的各种促销活动,如打折、返利(例如,满300返100)等等。现采用策略(Strategy)模式实现该要求,得到如图5-1所示的类图。 图5-1 策略模式类图 【C++代码】#include using namespace std;enum TYPE{NORMAL, CASH_DISCOUNT, CASH_RETURN};class CashSuper{public: (1);};class CashNormal : public CashSuper { //正常收费子类public: double acceptCash(double money) { retum money; }}; class CashDiscount : public CashSuper {private: double moneyDiscount; // 折扣率public: CashDiscount(double discount) { moneyDiscount=discount; } double acceptCash(double money) { retum money *moneyDiscount; }};class CashRetum : public CashSuper { // 满额返利private: double moneyCondition; // 满额数额 double moneyReturn; // 返利数额public: CashRetnm(doublemotieyCondition, double moneyReturn) { this->moneyCondition=moneyCondition; this->moneyReturn=moneyRetum; } double acceptCash(doublemoney) { double result =money; if(money>=moneyCondition) result=money-(int)(money/moneyCondition ) * moneyRetum; return result ; }};class CashContext {private: CashSuper *cs;public: CashContext(int type) { switch(type) { caseNORMAL: //正常收费 (2) ; break; case CASH_RETURN: //满300返100 (3) ; break; case CASH_DISCOUNT: //打八折 (4) ; break; }}double GetResult(double money) { (5) ; }};//此处略去main( )函数

They agreed to settle the dispute by peaceful means.A:solve B:determineC:unite D:complete

On which of the following did the Justices agree,according to Paragraph 4?( ) A.Federal officers’duty to withhold immigrants’information. B.States’independence from federal immigration law. C.States’legitimate role in immigration enforcement. D.Congress’s intervention in immigration enforcement.

On which of the following did the Justices agree,according to Paragraph 4?( ) A.Federal officers’duty to withhold immigrants’information B.States’independence from federal immigration law C.States’legitimate role in immigration enforcement D.Congress’s intervention in immigration enforcement

下面选项中,更新account表中money字段值,其取值在100-200之间,现在将money字段值增加50,能够正确执行上述要求的SQL语句是A.update account set money + 50 where money >=100 and money <=200;B.update account set money = money + 50 where money >=100 or money <=200;C.update account set money = money + 50 where money between 100 and 200;D.update account set money = money + 50 where money <=200 and money >=100;

下面哪条语句,可以产生与下面程序相同的结果。 data invest; money=1000; do until(money gt 5000); Year+1; money+(money*0.10); end; run;A.do while(money ge 5000);B.do while(money =5000);C.do while(money le 5000);D.do while(money >5000);