饭店员工与客人初次见面时应说A. Nice to see youB. Nice meeting youC. See youD. Good to see you


A. Nice to see you

B. Nice meeting you

C. See you

D. Good to see you


11.—The cake looks_________—Yes 9 and it tastes even_________A. well,goodB. nice,betterC. good,worseD. better,best

6.Nice ________you.A. meetB. to meetC. meet toD. to meeting

Which of the following commands is not for communication among users?A.mailB.writeC.telnetD.nice

If I_____ Peter, I him about the meeting.A. see, will tellB. see, tellC. will see, tell

The photo ______ nice.A、looksB、is lookedC、lookD、is looking

The cake looks ______ and it tastes even _____.A、well; goodB、nice; betterC、good; worseD、better; best

We could have gone on a picnic if the weather ( ) nice. A.wasB.will beC.isD.had been

24. This kind of skirt looks_______ and sells ________.A.nice;wellB.nice;goodC.well; wellD. good ;nice

5、英国国立健康与照护卓越研究院(National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, NICE) 成立于1999年,原名为国立卫生与临床优化研究院(National Institute for Health and Clinical Experience, NICE), 2013年NICE历经一次重大变革,正式独立成为非政府公共组织——NDPB。作为NDPB, NICE对其政府资助部门负责,但实际运作独立于政府,请问NICE的日常决策部门是?A.英国健康与社会照护部 (Department of Health and Social Care, DHSC)B.NICE董事会C.NICE高级管理团队(Senior Management Team, SMT)D.NICE各分委会E.赞助商高级协调部 (Senior Departmental Sponsor, SDS)