Not until 1868 ______ made the capital of the state of Georgia.A:Atlanta wasB:was AtlantaC:when Atlanta wasD:when was Atlanta

Not until 1868 ______ made the capital of the state of Georgia.

A:Atlanta was

B:was Atlanta

C:when Atlanta was

D:when was Atlanta


She _ the doctor a list of the medical items she needed. A.made … write outB.makes … writes outC.made … wroteD.had made … written

The accounting equation shows the relationship among ______.A.assets, liabilities and investor's yieldB.assets, liabilities and owner's, liabilities and, costs and profits

I ()supper when I()someone knocking at the door.A、made . . . HeardB、made . . .was heardC、was making . . . was hearingD、was making . . . heard

It was _____ last year ______ he came to realize the importance of learning English.A、until ; beforeB、that ; untilC、until ; thatD、before ; until

请参见图示。路由器Jax和路由器Atlanta之间可通过IP地址互相ping通。但当从路由器Jax上输入telnetAtlanta命令时,Telnet连接失败。导致此问题的两个可能的原因是什么() A.路由器Atlanta主机表中不含路由器Jax的条目。B.路由器Jax主机表中不含路由器Atlanta的条目。C.Atlanta路由器上的hostname命令配置不正确。D.Jax路由器上的hostname命令配置不正确。E.无法访问DNS服务器。

Who is the head of this delegation?A: captainB: leaderC: bestD: capital

定义状态机当前状态为state ,次态为next _state; 输入a,输出b, 则下列为Mealy状态机的写法是:A.always@(posedge clk) case (state ) 0:next_state<=1; 1:next_state<=x;#B.always@(posedge clk) case (state ) 0: if(a==0)next_state<=1; else next_state<=x; 1:next_state<=x;#C.always@(posedge clk) case (state ) 0: if(state==0)next_state<=1; else next_state<=x; 1:next_state<=x;#D.以上都不对

下列Moore型状态机采用Verilog语言主控时序部分正确的是:A.always@(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin if(!reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state; endB.always@(posedge clk ) begin if(!reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state; endC.always@(posedge clk t) if(reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state;D.always@(posedge clk or negedge reset) if(reset) current_state<=s0; else current_state<=next_state;

定义状态机当前状态为state ,次态为next _state; 输入a,输出b, 则下列为Mealy状态机的写法是:A.always@(posedge clk) case (state ) 0:next_state<=1; 1:next_state<=x;#B.always@(posedge clk) case (state ) 0: if(a==0)next_state<=1; else next_state<=x; 1:next_state<=x;#C.always@(posedge clk) case (state ) 0: if(state==0)next_state<=1; else next_state<=x; 1:next_state<=x;#D.以上都正确
