If ______, please send me the report by this evening. A、is possibleB、possibleC、it possibleD、possibility

If ______, please send me the report by this evening.

A、is possible


C、it possible



–At this time tomorrow morning, we’ll be in London. I’m so excited!–(). A、Yes, go onB、Yes, you may beC、Me, tooD、You do your things, please


请这边走。用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、Follow me, please.B、The way, please.C、This way, please.D、Go here, please.

Newman: I have an appointment with Mr. Brown.Receptionist: Mr. Brown is expecting you now. ____________A、Come this way, please.B、Go this road, please.C、Follow this direction, please.D、Move here, please.

If you have finished this section, please ( ) me, and I will cut down the price to U.S. 10.00. A、informB、uniformC、tallD、tell

YouneedtocreateatriggertolocatetheProductreportintheRpt_Server,runthereport,andtestthestatusofthereport.Whichthreebuilt-inswouldyouusetoaccomplishthistask?() A.RUN_PRODUCTB.SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTYC.RUN_REPORT_OBJECTD.FIND_REPORT_OBJECTE.REPORT_OBJECT_STATUSF.COPY_REPORT_OBJECT_OUTPUT

Whichbuilt-inwouldyoureferenceinyourtriggercodetoremoveareportfromtheReportsServerqueuedynamically?() A.FIND_REPORT_OBJECTB.CANCEL_REPORT_OBJECTC.REPORT_OBJECT_STATUSD.SET_PROPERTYOBJECT_PROPERTY

Whichreportwillprovideinformationonthemostrecentlycompletedplan?() A.Report08-JobHistogramB.Report07-JobHistoryListingC.Report10B-ActualProductionDetailD.Report11-PlannedProductionSchedule

下列日常生活用语中,表示电话对话的句子是()AHello, this is Li. May I speak to Chen, please?BHold on, please.CWould you hold the line, please?DWho's calling, please?EI'm sorry. I think you have the wrong number.FI'm sorry, but Chen is not available to come to the phone right now. May I take a message?

Is there a table for , please? () please. Is the one near the backdoor OK?ATake your timeBThis wayCYou are welcomeDAfter you