13.A.sad .B.tiredC.happilyD.happy


A.sad .





下列数据中,接近实际情况的是A.对人体安全的电压为220 VB. 一个初中生所受到的重力约是500 NC.小红上学时不行的速度大约是是20 m/sD.家用台灯正常工作时,功率大约为200 W

无线电广播信号的发射由广播电台完成。话筒把播音员的 信号转换成音频电信号,然后用调制器把音频电信号加载到高频电流上,再通过 发射到空中。

阅读下面的文章,完成16 ~ 19题。(16分)我的母亲胡适母亲管束我最严,她是慈母兼任严父。但她从来不在别人面前骂我一句,打我一下。我做错了事,她只对我一望,我看见了她的严厉眼光,就吓住了。犯的事小,她等到第二天早晨我睡醒时才教训我。犯的事大,她等到晚上人静时,关了房门,先责备我,然后行罚,或罚跪,或拧我的肉,无论怎样重罚,总不许我哭出声音来。她教训儿子不是借此出气叫别人听的。②有一个初秋的傍晚,我吃了晚饭,在门口玩,身上只穿着一件单背心。这时候我母亲的妹子玉英姨母在我家住,她怕我冷了,拿了一条小衫出来叫我穿上。我不肯穿,她说:“穿上吧,凉了。”我随口回答:“娘(凉)什么!老子都不老子呀。 我刚说了这一句话,一抬头,看见母亲从家里走出,我赶快把小衫穿上。但她已听见这句轻薄的话了。晚上人静后,她罚我跪下,重重地责罚了一顿。她说:“你没了老子,是多么得意的事!好用来说嘴!”她气得坐着发抖,也不许我上床去睡。 我跪着哭,用手擦眼泪,不知擦进了什么微菌,后来足足害了一年多的眼翳病。医来医去,总医不好。我母亲心里又悔又急,听说眼翳可以用舌头舔去,有一夜她把我叫醒,她真用舌头舔我的病眼。这是我的严师,我的慈母。③我母亲待人最仁慈,最温和,从来没有一句伤人感情的话。但她有时候也很有刚气,不受一点人格上的侮辱。我家五叔是个无正业的浪人,有一天在烟馆里发牢骚,说我母亲家中有事总请某人帮忙,大概总有什么好处给他。这句话传到了我母亲耳朵里,她气得大哭,请了几位本家来,把五叔喊来,她当面质问他她给了某人什么好处。直到五叔当众认错赔罪,她才罢休。(节选自义务教育课程标准实验教科书八年级下册《我的母亲》)写了些什么?节选部分第②③段写了母亲哪几件事?请简要概括。(4分)



BIn the 1500s,the camera was invented.However,in the early 1800s people found a way to make the pictures permanent. Even then,photography was a new field. Most families had their pictures taken by photographers.People did not own cameras because taking pictures and developing the films were too difficult.In 1884 ,George Eastman invented a kind of film.lt could be put into a small camera. The new film was easy to use. So many people began to buy cameras. When they had used up their films people returned their cameras to the factory. There,the films were developed,and pictures were made. More films were put into the cameras. And they were sent back to the owners with their pictures.Today's cameras are much easier to use. Photography has become a hot hobby, There are also many new jobs in this field,especially in news reporting. Newspapers,magazines,and tele-vision all need pictures to tell stories, Photographers help scientists by taking pictures through microscopes and telescopes. Deep-sea divers take pictures of ocean plants and animals. Astro-nauts take their cameras into space. Man finds new uses of the camera every day.( )26. When did people find a way to make the pictures permanent?A. In the 1500s.B. In the 1600s.C. In the 1700s.D. In the 1800s.
