Monetary base货币基础

Monetary base货币基础


营销数据库管理的基本法则RFM法则是()的缩写。 A:Recency,Finance,MonetaryB:Responsibility,Finance,MoneyC:Responsibility,Frequency,MonetaryD:Recency,Frequency,Monetary


100BaseT中的“Base”的意义是?( )A.基础传输B.基带传输

货币乘数等于( ) 、 A基础货币×货币供应量B基础货币∕货币供应量C货币供应量∕基础货币D存款准备金率×基础货币

What is the stable-monetary-unit concept?A.It is the prime means of measuring assets.B.It is the common denominator in business transactions.C.It is an orderly basis for handling account balances to produce the financial statements.D.It is monetary terms in accounting information.

What does the accountant do in recording assets and liabilities according to the stable-monetary-unit concept?A.He simply adds all the amounts together.B.He puts the assets and liabilities on the balance sheet objectively.C.He makes restatement if the value of money depreciates.D.He records the assets and liabilities on the balance sheet ignoring the change in purchasing power value of the currency.

货币乘数等于( )。A.货币需求量×基础货币B.货币供给量×基础货币C.货币需求量÷基础货币D.货币供给量÷基础货币

100Base-TX中Base的含义是指() A 基础设施B 基于双绞线C 基于快速网D 基带信号


货币乘数等于( )。A.货币需求量×基础货币B.货币供给量×基础货币C.货币需求量÷基础货币D.货币供给量÷基础货币