( 30 )下列程序的功能是统计字符串中 “ array ” 的个数,在程序的空白处应填入的正确选项是public class FindKey Word s{public static void main(sring[] args){sting text=“ An array is a data structur that stores a collection of ”+ “ values of the same type . You access each individual value ”+ “ through an integer index . For example,if a is an array ”+ “ of inergers, then a[i] is the ith integer in the array. ” ;Int arrayCount =0;Int idex = -1;Sting arrarStr = ” array ” ;Index = text.indexof(arrayStr);While(index______ 0) {++arrayCount;Index += arrayStr.length();Index = text.indexof(arrayStr,index);}System.out.println( “ the text contains ” + arrayCount + “ arrays ” );}}A) B) =C) =D) =
( 30 )下列程序的功能是统计字符串中 “ array ” 的个数,在程序的空白处应填入的正确选项是
public class FindKey Word s{
public static void main(sring[] args){
sting text=
“ An array is a data structur that stores a collection of ”
+ “ values of the same type . You access each individual value ”
+ “ through an integer index . For example,if a is an array ”
+ “ of inergers, then a[i] is the ith integer in the array. ” ;
Int arrayCount =0;
Int idex = -1;
Sting arrarStr = ” array ” ;
Index = text.indexof(arrayStr);
While(index______ 0) {
Index += arrayStr.length();
Index = text.indexof(arrayStr,index);
( “ the text contains ” + arrayCount + “ arrays ” );
A) <
B) =
C) <=
D) >=
(8)下列这个Sub过程的功能是统计字符串中“a”的个数,请在空白处填上合适的代码,将程序补充完整。Private Sub numCount() Dim num As Integer s$="software And hardware" Num=Len(s$) For i=1 unm b$=。 If b$="a"Then x=x+1 Next i Print"x=";xEnd Sub
下列程序的功能是统计字符串中“array”的个数,在程序的空白处应填入的正确选项是( )。 public class FindKeyWords( public static void main(sring[]args){ sting text= "An array is a data structur that stores a eollection of" +"values of the same type.You access each individu- al value" +"through an integer index.For example.if a is an array" +"of inergers,then all]is the ith integer in the ar- ray."; Int arrayCount=0; Int idex=-l; Sting arrarStr="array": Index=text.indexof(arrayStr); While(index 0){ ++arrayCount: Index+=arrayStr.1ength; Index=text.indexof(arrayStr,index); } System.OUt.println ("the text contains"+arrayCount+"arrays"); } }A.B.=C.=D.=
下列程序的功能是统计字符串中“array”的个数,在程序的空白处应填入的正确选项是( )。 publicclassFindKeyWords{ publicstaticvoidmain(sring[]args){ stingtext= “Anarrayisadatastructurthatstoresacollectionof” +“valuesofthesametype.YOUaccesseachindividualvalue'’ +“throughanintegerindex.Forexample,ifaiSanarray” +“of inergers,thena[i]iSthe ith integer in thearray.”; In tarrayCount=0; Intidex=-1; Sting arrarStr=“array”; IndeX=text.indexof(arrayStr); While(index______0){ ++arrayCount; Index+=arrayStr.length(); IndeX=text.indexof(arrayStr,indeX); } SyStem.out.phntln (“thetextcontains”+arrayCount+“arrays”); } }A.<B.=C.<=D.>=
下面这个Sub过程的功能是统计字符串中“a”的个数,请在空白处填上合适的代码完成程序。Private Sub numCount()Dim hum As Integers$ = "software And hardware"num = Len(s$)For i = 1 To humb$=______If b$ = "a" Then x = x+1Next iPrint "x="; xEnd Sub
下面程序的功能是()。include include using namespace std;int main (){ in 下面程序的功能是( )。 #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { int i=1, n=0; char s[80],*p; p=s; strcpy(p,"It is a book.."); for (; *p !=' \0' ;p++) { if(*p=='') i=0; else if (i==0) { n++; i=1; } } cout<<"n=" <<n<<end1; return 0; }A.统计字符串中的单词个数B.统计字符串中的空格个数C.统计字符串中的字母个数D.统计字符串中的全部字符个数
以下方法的功能是统计字符串中数字字符的个数。请在空白处填入适当内容,把程序补充完整。 static int count(string s) { int r=0; for(int i=0;i<s.Length;i++) { if(_______) __r++___; } return r; }