A country will become richer if it, though painful, fulfils ______.

A country will become richer if it, though painful, fulfils ______.


It looks _______ everyone else has gone home. (A)as though(B) even though(C) even if(D) though

Though () in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of country life. A. grownB. tendedC. raisedD. cultivated

Unsatisfiedwith the payment, he took the job just to got some work experience.A. though was he B, though he wasC. he was though D. was he though

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. Louis was famous for his discovery.B. Though his left arm and leg were disabled(残疾的), he worked even harder than before.C. In his childhood he made up his mind to become a doctor.D. His disabled left arm and leg had nothing to do with the mad dogs.

May your country______(become)prosperous and powerful.

Though Japan is a small country, it provides the world market with (various) products. 选择能代替括号里的选项A、separatingB、variableC、diverseD、valueless

() the city, () to migrants it is. A、Richer...more attractiveB、Richest...most attractiveC、The richer...the more attractiveD、The richest...the most attractive

It is always interesting to visit another country,especially for those who have never travelled a great deal Foreign(1) can be very educational for anyone if he is interested enough to make preparations beforehand.Learning the language of the new country would be difficult for the traveler,(2) benefits of such an ef fort would become obvious immediately on his arrival.It way not seem important to him when he comfortably stays at home, but knowing how to order a meal or book a room is necessary for the newcomer in a strange country.Without knowing the language, it is very difficult (3) the stranger to understand the people of the new country and their customers.Of course, in our small world it is of ten possible to find someone who understands our own, but this is only second-best for the traveler.To be sure, he can see places and things without the use of a language, but places and things (4) not the heart of any country.To get the greatest benef it from a trip(5)another country, it is how important for the visitor to have an understanding of the language.(完型填空)A.TravelB.AreC.ForD.ButE.To

The USA ______ a great advanced country without the labor of the newcomers. A.could becomeB.can becomeC.couldn’t have becomeD.couldn’t become

Though grown in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of country life.()

Medical care reform has become this country's most Medicalcarereformhasbecomethiscountrysmostimportantpublichealth_____.(A)question(B)stuff(C)matter(D)issue

he was tired,( )he still worked hard.A. Though; butB.Though; andC. Though;/D.Although; or

Unsatiafied______with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.A. though was he B. though he wasC. he was though D. was he though

Though the government encourages foreign investment,__________ investors are reluctant tocommit fimds in the current climate situation in the country.A.potentialB.affluentC.optimisticD.solid

These products are inferior to those we bought last year.A: poorer than B:.narrower thanC: larger thanD: richer than

What can be inferred about Julie Luddon?A.She is writing a book about cultural negotiationsB.She has already received a bachelor's degreeC.She is studying to become a university professorD.She wants to work in a foreign country

共用题干第一篇Gross National HappinessIn the last century,new technology improved the lives of many people in many countries.However,one country resisted these changes.High in the Himalayan mountains of Asia,the kingdom of Bhutan remained separate. Its people and Buddhist(佛教)culture had not been affected for almost a thousand years. Bhutan, however,was a poor country.People died at a young age.Most of its people could not read,and they did not know much about the outside world.Then,in 1972,a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided to help Bhutan to become modern,but without losing its traditions.King Wangchuck looked at other countries for ideas.He saw that most countries measured their progress by their Gross National Product(GNP).The GNP measures products and money. When the number of products sold increases,people say the country is making progress.King Wangchuck had a different idea for Bhutan.He wanted to measure his country's progress by people's happiness.If the people's happiness increased,the king could say that Bhutan was making progress.To decide if people were happier,he created a measure called Gross National Happiness(GNH).GNH is based on certain principles that create happiness.People are happier if they have health care, education,and jobs.They are happier when they live in a healthy,protected environment. They are happier when they can keep their traditional culture and customs.Finally,people are happier when they have agood,stable government.Now there is some evidence of increased GNH in Bhutan.People are healthier and are living longer. More people are educated and employed.Twenty-five percent of the land has become national parks,and the country has almost no pollution.The Bhutanese continue to wear their traditional clothing and follow their ancient Buddhist customs.Bhutan has also become a democracy.In 2008,King Wangchuck gave his power to his son.Although the country still had a king,it held its first democratic elections that year. Bhutan had political parties and political candidates for the first time.Finally,Bhutan has connected to the rest of the world through television and internet.Bhutan is a symbol for social progress.Many countries are now interested in Bhutan's GNH.These countries are investigating their own ways to measure happiness.They want to create new policies that take care of their people,cultures,and land.Brazil may be the next country to use the principles of GNH.Brazilian leaders see the principles of GNH as a source of inspiration.Brazil is a large country with a diverse population.If happiness works as a measure of progress in Brazil,perhaps the rest of the world will follow.A country shows its progress with GNP by_________.A:selling more productsB:spending more moneyC:spending less moneyD:providing more jobs

Loud noises can be irritating.A:hateful B:annoying C:stimulating D:painful

The northern parts of the United States get very cold in the winter.It snows a great deal and the?temperature often goes_____21_____zero degree in January,_____22_____and March.But the northeastern and?northcentral regions of____23______have been financial and industrial centers,and they are heavily polluted.In recent years,people in these regions have begun to take vacations_____24_____these cold winter?months.They go to southern parts of the country____25______it is warmer.Many go to Florida where the?weather is_____26_____.Others go to the southwestern states of Arizona,New Mexico and Texas where they._____27_____dry desert climates.It has become_____28_____nowadays.for old people to move south to these places_____29_____they?retire.Typically these people sell their houses in their home communities and move south to begin a?new life_____30_____senior citizens.Their children likely have homes_____31_____and many of them are moving south_____32_____communities?where they were_____33_____.The southern and southwestern parts of the country are now growing_____34_____any?other part.Business and industry_____35_____many offices and factories in the south.California is already?the most popular state in the country.第(29)题答案A.whenB.whereC.unlessD.though

Martin knew that in a free country this was wrong.He wanted to help his black brothers.( )he decided to go to school and become a minister. A. As B. BecauseC. SoD. But

This interruption is very annoying.A:hateful B:painful C:horrifying D:irritating

These products are inferior to those we brought last year.A: poorer thanB: narrower thanC: larger thanD: richer than

单选题In that country, the rich _____ richer, the poor poorer.AbecomeBhas becomeCbecomesDis becoming

单选题What conclusion can be draw from the passage?AAnxiety, though unavoidable, can be coped with.BChildren’s anxiety has been enormously exaggerated.CChildren’s anxiety can be eliminated with more parental care.DAnxiety if properly controlled, may help children become mature.

单选题Here, so profligate has its use become the air conditioner is almost ______ the automobile of the national tendency to overindulge in every technical possibility, to use every convenience to such excess that the country looks downright coddled.Aas glaring symptom asBas glaring a symptom asCas symptom glaring asDas glaring as a symptom

单选题The author intends to tell the readers that _____.Athe United States is a wealthy country although poverty and crime exist thereBcrime has become a serious problem in the United States, although it is said to be a prosperous oneCdespite the fact that crimes have been increasing rapidly in the United States, it is a country of prosperityDin spite of stories about poverty and crime in the United States, it is prospering at an increasing rate

单选题65. A longer B deeper C richer D higherAABBCCDD