As umbrella prices in our last order were much higher than those prevailing in our market, we expect a corresponding reduction of your prices to around US$ 30dozen and would be interested to hear whether you can accept our order of 3,000dozen.(英译中)

As umbrella prices in our last order were much higher than those prevailing in our market, we expect a corresponding reduction of your prices to around US$ 30dozen and would be interested to hear whether you can accept our order of 3,000dozen.(英译中)



He is a good friend of_____A. oursB. ourC. our's

( ) Chinese people are proud to host the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. A、UsB、WeC、TheseD、Our

Of course, our()relationship is very good.But business is business. A、personnelB、personalC、privateD、public

This is () our 10% Special Discount Offer.A、announcingB、to announceC、to be announcingD、being announced

We often have ( ) supper at home.A. usB.oursC. our

Our ______ is London, but the plane took us to Paris.A、departureB、destinationC、discountD、destiny

______school is much larger than ______.A.Our;yourB.Our;yoursC.Ours;yoursD.We;you

