enclosed please find(英译中)

enclosed please find(英译中)


●Soon,more of the information we receive via the Internet could come(71)in digital wrappers.Wrappers are made up(72)software code that's targeted to do specific things with the data(73)within them,such as helping to define queries for search engines.They also keep(74)from(75)access to that code.(71)A.package B.packaged C.packages D.packaging(72)A.of B.off C.on D.out(73)A.close B.closed C.enclose D.enclosed(74)A.insiders B.money C.outsiders D.warehouse(75)A.gain B.gained C.gains D.gaining


请这边走。用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、Follow me, please.B、The way, please.C、This way, please.D、Go here, please.

As requested in your fax of Dec.15, shipment of 500 m/ts of soybeans will be effected under guarantee in the absence of the L/C amendment. Please, therefore, honor the draft accordingly.(英译中)

Newman: I have an appointment with Mr. Brown.Receptionist: Mr. Brown is expecting you now. ____________A、Come this way, please.B、Go this road, please.C、Follow this direction, please.D、Move here, please.

7 Soon,more of the information we receive via the internet could come _____indi gital wrappers. Wrappers are made up ______ softwore code that’s targeted to do specificthings with the data _____within them such as helping to define queries forsearch engines They also keep _____from_____access to that code.(1) A.Package B.packaged C.packages D.packaging(2)A.of B.off C.on D.out(3)A.close B.closed C.enclose D.enclosed(4)A.insiders B.money C.outsiders D.warehouse(5)A.gain B.gained C.gains D.gaining

Ships’ masters are requested to ensure that during their call at this port,all discharging outlets are blocked .A.blockadedB.openedC.closedD.enclosed

下面哪些命令可以查找出Linux系统中的设备文件?()A.find / -type bB.find / -type -C.find / -type cD.find / -type p

12、利用命令find查找当前目录下的以“.c”结尾的文件,并逐页显示的命令是()。A.find . -name “?.c” | moreB.find . -name “#.c” | moreC.find . -name “!*.c” | moreD.find . -name “*.c” | more

利用命令find查找当前目录下的以“.c”结尾的文件,并逐页显示的命令是()。A.find . -name “?.c” | moreB.find . -name “#.c” | moreC.find . -name “!*.c” | moreD.find . -name “*.c” | more