Could you use cardboard boxes the shoes() A、to packB、packC、packing

Could you use cardboard boxes the shoes()

A、to pack




The boy was very happy that his mother bought him a new pair of shoes at a () yesterday. shopB.shoe’s shopD.shoe’s

You’ll be punished by law if you ________ your child. (A) use(B) abuse(C) used(D) abused

___________A. can B. be C. be able to D. could

Could you lend your pen to me?(改为同义句)Could_________ _________ your pen?

( ) it be true that Albert passed the test in geography! A、WouldB、ShouldC、MayD、Could

That young man has made so much noise that he ( ) not have been allowed to attend the concert. A、wouldB、shouldC、mustD、could

We _____ rather talk about football or the weather or what we had for lunch.A: willB: shouldC: wouldD: could

9 .What has Barbara got in her suitcase?A . Shoes.B. Stones.C. Books.

4.Mum,my ________are too short. Will you buy me a new pair?

I__________have been there,but I__________not find the time.A.should;wouldB.should;couldC.might;couldD.could;could