_____ a thorough investigation, no trace of Dr Southwell has been found. A.BesidesB.ExceptC.As forD.Despite

_____ a thorough investigation, no trace of Dr Southwell has been found.



C.As for



How long() you() a member of the club? A.have,,joinedB.have,,beenC.has,,joinedD.has,,been

I think the hatch covers ________ all fixed up by youA.wasB.wereC.beD.been

Why()the old block of flats()demolished next month? A、are…beingB、is…beingC、has…beenD、have…been

At last we got the letter we had long () expecting.A. areB. wereC. beD. been

He () some difficulty () the book into Japanese. A、is, to translateB、has, to translateC、is, in translatingD、has, in translating

She ___here a minute ago. A.isB. wasC.beD. been

Whichfouraretrue?() A.Has-arelationshipsshouldneverbeencapsulated.B.Has-arelationshipsshouldbeimplementedusinginheritance.C.Has-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusinginstancevariables.D.Is-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusingtheextendskeyword.E.Is-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusingtheimplementskeyword.F.Anarrayoracollectioncanbeusedtoimplementaone-to-manyhas-arelationship.G.TherelationshipbetweenMovieandActressisanexampleofanis-arelationship.

He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there.A、had beenB、has beenC、wasD、been

A group of scientists are conducting a(_______)into the feasibility of cloning human beings. A. entranceB.researchC.inquiryD.investigation
