The doctor told him to carry ___ with the treatment.

The doctor told him to carry ___ with the treatment.




His quick expression of disapproval ______ me he did not agree with this practical approach. A. questionedB. askedC. foretoldD. told

A neighbor _________ me about him. He_________ Percy Buttons was a beggar.() A.said, spokeB.told, saidC.said, talkedD.told, spoke

He( )that Tom had stolen his wallet. A. saidB. spokeC. claimedD. told

根据下列材料请回答 56~60 题:Sound pull can feel eatDoctor:What’S wrong with you?Emma:Oh,I have a toothache now.Doctor:How long have you56 like this?Emma:For three days.And I57 not sleep last night.Doctor:Open your mouth and let me look them over.Oh,one of your teeth is bad.It must be 58 0ut.Emma:It59 terrible.You’d better give me other advice.Perhaps it will be OK tomorrow.Doctor:I don’t think so.Emma:All fight.What should I do?Doctor:You won’t60 anything hard in many days after the operation(手术).Emma:OK.Thank you very much.Doctor.Not at all.第 56 题 请在(56)处填上最佳答案。

[A] told [B] held [C] suggested [D] advised


I ________ her to marry me and she agreed. A. askB. askedC. told

A) statedB) remarkedC) saidD) told

She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb.A: playedB: sentC: showedD: told

Why not_______me earlier tellB.tellC.tellingD.told