[ A] Furthermore[ B ] However[ C] Hence[ D] Otherwise

[ A] Furthermore

[ B ] However

[ C] Hence

[ D] Otherwise


I am quite willing to help and _______ are the others. (A) also(B) so(C) /(D) hence

I’m afraid the envelopes must be delivered at once, _____ the conference brochures won’t be mailed.(A) unless(B) in case(C) otherwise(D) yet

16_________[A] still[B] also[C] otherwise[D] nevertheless

_________[A] Only [B] So [C] Even [D] Hence

__________[A] Above all [B] After all [C] However [D] Otherwise

I don't know his address, ______.A.otherwise I will write to himB.otherwise I would write to himC.otherwise I had written to himD.otherwise I would have written to him

29______________29. A Therefore B Furthermore C Meanwhile D However

All the dishes in this menu, otherwise stated, will serve two to three people.A. as B. if C. though D. unless

\[A\] However\[B\] Conversely\[C\] Furthermore\[D\] Therefore

请选择(5)处最佳答案( )。A.OnlyB.SoC.EvenD.Hence

I was told to hurry; _________, I came by plane. A. however B. furthermore C. generally D. accordingly

John was bored,__________he left his life in England.A. in additionB. soC. howeverD. furthermore

The enemies were defeated and hence a humiliating withdrawal.() A. disgustingB. shamefulC. unkindD. imperceptible

[A] and[B] nor[C] but[D] hence

YouneedtodesigntheVLANschemefortheCompanynetwork.WhichtwostatementsaretrueaboutbestpracticesinVLANdesign?() A.RoutingshouldoccurattheaccesslayerifvoiceVLANsareutilized.Otherwise,routingshouldoccuratthedistributionlayer.B.Routingshouldalwaysbeperformedatthedistributionlayer.C.VLANsshouldbelocalizedtoaswitch.D.VLANsshouldbelocalizedtoasingleswitchunlessvoiceVLANsarebeingutilized.E.RoutingshouldnotbeperformedbetweenVLANslocatedonseparateswitches.

A Indeed B Likewise C Therefore D Furthermore

A Hence B But C Even D Only

The word "hence" in line 10 means______.A. alwaysB. oftenC. thereforeD. seldom

A Similarly B In this manner C Otherwise D In this way

We cant accept your complaint of poor qulity, ( ) you provide the certificate of inspection issued by CIQ.A. why B. unlessC. otherwise D. however

A. Furthermore B. Similarly C. But D. Therefore

People should take holidays, otherwise they will get()and leave the companyAexhaustBexhaustingCexhaustedDexhaustion

People should take holidays, otherwise they will get()and leave the companyA、exhaustB、exhaustingC、exhaustedD、exhaustion


单选题People should take holidays, otherwise they will get()and leave the companyAexhaustBexhaustingCexhaustedDexhaustion

单选题72 A Even B Therefore C Furthermore D ButAABBCCDD

单选题In context, which of the following is the best way to revise and combine sentences 8 and 9 (reproduced below)?Superstitions may seem silly to nonbelievers not sharing them. To believers those rituals on the other hand are providing a sense of control over situations otherwise which would be unsettling.AThe superstitions seeming silly to non- believers who don't share them, however to believers those rituals provide a sense of control over otherwise unsettling situations.BThey seem silly to those nonbelievers who don't share the superstitions, but the rituals providing a sense of control over otherwise unsettling situations to believers.CAlthough such superstitions may seem silly to nonbelievers, to believers those rituals provide a sense of control over otherwise unsettling situations.DInstead of the superstitions seeming silly to those who don't believe in them, these rituals give believers a sense of control to situations otherwise unsettling.EThey may seem silly to nonbelievers who don't share the superstitions, hence those rituals provide a sense of control to believers over otherwise unsettling situations.