Let’s clean our room; mother will be back _______.A. in a minuteB. for a minuteC. at a minuteD. of a minute

Let’s clean our room; mother will be back _______.

A. in a minute

B. for a minute

C. at a minute

D. of a minute


WhichistherateofpumpinCPR?() A.60/minuteB.90/minuteC.100/minuteD.120/minute

My home is about ________ from my school. A.15 minutesB.minute's rideC.20 minutes by bikeD.15- minute's on foot.

At the first ____ of twelve everyone stopped for lunch. A.soundB.strokeC.momentD.minute

The EMP table exists in your schema. You want to execute the following query:SELECT ename, salFROM empAS OF TIMESTAMP (SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL ‘6‘ MINUTE)WHERE ename = ‘ALLEN‘;What are the minimum requirements for the statement to execute successfully? ()A. ARCHIVELOG mode must be enabledB. Row Movement must be enabled for the tableC. FLASHBACK must be set to ON for the databaseD. The UNDO_MANAGEMENT parameter must be set to AUTOE. The UNDO_RETENTION parameter must be set appropriately

使用VC6打开考生文件夹下的工程test35_3。此工程包含一个test35_3.cpp,其中定义了时钟类clock,但该类的定义并不完整。请按要求完成下列操作,将程序补充完整。(1)定义类clock的私有数据成员hour和minute,它们都是int型的数据。请在注释“//**1**”之后添加适当的语句。(2)补充完全类clock的构造函数,私有数据成员hour和minute分别初始化为参数h和m的值,请在注释“//**2**”之后添加适当的语句。(3)完成类clock的成员函数printtime,的定义,该函数以“Now the time is hour:minute”的格式输出数据成员hour和 minute的值,如hour=3、minute=59,则输出为“Now the time is 03:59”,请在注释“//**3**”之后添加适当的语句。(4)完成类clock的成员函数addoneminutetime的定义,该函数可将clock类对象表示的时间加一分钟,如现在hour=3、 minute=59,运行该函数后hour=4、minute=0。请在注释“//**4**”之后添加适当的语句。程序的输出结果如下:Now,the time is 12:59Now,the time is 13:00注意:除在指定位置添加语句之外,请不要改动程序中的其他内容。源程序文件test35_3.cpp清单如下:include<iostream.h>class clock{private:// ** 1 **public:clock(int h, int m){// ** 2 **}int presenthour(){return hour;}int presentminute(){return minute;}void addoneminutetime();void printtime();};void clock::printtime(){if(hour<10) cout<<'0';// ** 3 **if(minute<10) cout<<'0';cout<<minute<<end1;}void clock::addoneminutetime(){// ** 4 **if(minute>59){minute-=60;hour++;}if(hour>23)hour=0;}void main ( ){clock c(12,59);c.printtime();c.addoneminutetime();c.printtime();}

给定一个类及对象的定义,以下各选项中使用正确的是 。 class Time { private: int hour; int minute; public: int second; void set() {cin>>hour>>minute>>second;} void display() {cout<<hour<<minute<<second<<endl;} }t1, t2;A.t1.hour=10;B.t2.minute=20;C.t1.second=10;D.t1.set;


词根-min-的语义是()。A.minute分钟B.small小C.mean 小气的D.none

1、词根-min-的语义是()。A.minute分钟B.small小C.mean 小气的D.none

创建cron任务时有5个字段用来指定此任务的运行时间,它们的排列顺序是(C)A.minute,hour,day of week, day of month,moth.B.minute,hour,month,day of month, day of week.C.minute,hour,day of month, month, day of week .D.hour,minute,day of month, month,day of week.