It is stated in astrology that ________.[A] the sun is so distant from us that it was hard to follow its motion[B] the sun was moving westward around the sky[C] the motion of the sun is at the rate of about thirty degrees every week[D] the motion of the sun is similar to the revolution of the earth around the sun

It is stated in astrology that ________.

[A] the sun is so distant from us that it was hard to follow its motion

[B] the sun was moving westward around the sky

[C] the motion of the sun is at the rate of about thirty degrees every week

[D] the motion of the sun is similar to the revolution of the earth around the sun


How does she manage to keep her ________ when she eats so much? A.bodyB.figureC.stateD.line

The financial status of the company has been () by bank's credit report. A.verifiedB.examinedC.checkedD.stated


package com.sun.sjcp;public class Commander{public static void main(String[]args){//more code here}}Assume that the class fileis located in /foo/com/sun/sjcp/,the current directory is/foo/,and that the classpath contains.(current directory).Which command line correctly runs Commander?() com/sun/sjcp/ Commander


Information engineering emphasizes a modeling tool called ______ relationship diagrams.A.entityB.classC.stateD.sequence


The survey ______ that the ship complied with the requirements of the regulations annexed to the said Convention.A.ShowedB.ExpressedC.DescribedD.Stated

God by definition is supernatural and cannot, in principle, be______by science which deals exclusively with the natural world.A.investigatedB.respondedC.suspectedD.stated

观看课程 《网络暴力的失控》 延伸学习 《大数据挖掘与案例实战》