


oral suspensions:

Text 4 When Kclscy Sisavath enrolled as a freshman at Lincoln Alternative High School in Walla Walla,Washington,in the fall,her mother was struggling with drug addiction.She was angry,depressed,and suicidal.Her traumatized brain had little room to focus on school.Today,much has changed in Kelsey's life.She graduated from Lincoln this spring with a 4.0 GPA while also taking classes at a community college.She is articulate,confident,and happy.Kelsey believes Lincoln changed her life.Neuroscience tells us that the brains ofkids regularly facing significant trauma or toxic stress are wired for survival and likely to erupt at the smallest provocation.A major study ofAdverse Childhood Experiences(ACEs)by the Ccnters for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente found that the higher a young person's ACEs score,the greater the risk in adulthood of chronic disease,mental illness,and premature death.These children also have a far greater future likelihood of either inflicting or being the victim ofviolence.Students struggling with this toxic stress are often ill-suited to learn in a traditional educational environment."Teachers like to tell students that if they work hard they will succeed-that it is in their control to pay attention,do their homework,and perform well in class.But those assumptions don't work for children growing up in high-stress environments,such as those living in poverty,"said Jim Sporleder,the former principal of Lincoln.At Lincoln,the teachers and staff follow a few deceptively simple rules:Don't take anything the student says personally and don't mirror their behavior with an outburst of your own.The teachers give students time to calm down,ofien in the principal's office or a special"quiet room".Later,they inquire about what might be bothering them and ask if they want to talk about it.Such seemingly straightforward techniques are actually based on hard science.In contrast to the fight-or-flight response triggered by perceived threats,seemingly minor acts of kindness,such as a few caring words from a teacher or a quick hug,can activate a cascade of Oxytocin,sometimes called the"love hormone".In highly traumatized kids,such simple acts can have an outsized impact.In the years immediately following Lincoln's adoption of trauma-informed practices,the school saw a fivefold increase in graduation rates,a threefold increase in students headed to college,75 percent fewer fights,and 90 percent fewer suspensions.36.It can be inferred from Paragraph l thatA.Kelsey has gotten rid ofdrug abuse in high school.B.Kelsey's mother has committed suicide.C.Kelsey has take.nuiversity classes in high school.D.Kelsey was grateful of the education in high school.

Text 4 When Kclscy Sisavath enrolled as a freshman at Lincoln Alternative High School in Walla Walla,Washington,in the fall,her mother was struggling with drug addiction.She was angry,depressed,and suicidal.Her traumatized brain had little room to focus on school.Today,much has changed in Kelsey's life.She graduated from Lincoln this spring with a 4.0 GPA while also taking classes at a community college.She is articulate,confident,and happy.Kelsey believes Lincoln changed her life.Neuroscience tells us that the brains ofkids regularly facing significant trauma or toxic stress are wired for survival and likely to erupt at the smallest provocation.A major study ofAdverse Childhood Experiences(ACEs)by the Ccnters for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente found that the higher a young person's ACEs score,the greater the risk in adulthood of chronic disease,mental illness,and premature death.These children also have a far greater future likelihood of either inflicting or being the victim ofviolence.Students struggling with this toxic stress are often ill-suited to learn in a traditional educational environment."Teachers like to tell students that if they work hard they will succeed-that it is in their control to pay attention,do their homework,and perform well in class.But those assumptions don't work for children growing up in high-stress environments,such as those living in poverty,"said Jim Sporleder,the former principal of Lincoln.At Lincoln,the teachers and staff follow a few deceptively simple rules:Don't take anything the student says personally and don't mirror their behavior with an outburst of your own.The teachers give students time to calm down,ofien in the principal's office or a special"quiet room".Later,they inquire about what might be bothering them and ask if they want to talk about it.Such seemingly straightforward techniques are actually based on hard science.In contrast to the fight-or-flight response triggered by perceived threats,seemingly minor acts of kindness,such as a few caring words from a teacher or a quick hug,can activate a cascade of Oxytocin,sometimes called the"love hormone".In highly traumatized kids,such simple acts can have an outsized impact.In the years immediately following Lincoln's adoption of trauma-informed practices,the school saw a fivefold increase in graduation rates,a threefold increase in students headed to college,75 percent fewer fights,and 90 percent fewer suspensions.40.Which of the following is the best title of the text?A.The Success of Lincoln High SchoolB.How to Teach Traumatized KidsC.The Impact ofAdverse Experience on ChildrenD.The Ways to Deal with Toxic Stress

问答题There is an ever-widening gap between black male college enrollees and their female and white counterparts, says the American Council on Education (ACE).  Twenty years ago, according to ACE’s “Annual Status Report on Minorities in Higher Education,” 30 percent of African American male high school graduates (ages 18 to 24) were enrolled in college, compared with 28 percent of same-age black females and 41 percent of white males. Now, some 37 percent of black men are enrolled, compared with 42 percent of African American women and 44.5 percent of white males. So while there are more black males enrolling in college today than 20 years ago, other groups have outstripped them in enrolling and, even more importantly, in retention rates.  The graduation rate of black men is lower than that of any group. Only 35 percent of black males enrollees graduated within six years from colleges in 1996, compared with 59 percent of white males,46 percent of Hispanic men,41 percent of American Indian males and 45 percent of the black women who entered the same year.  Surveys and reports are hinting that the country’s educational apparatus is stacked against the black male. Fewer than one in five students of color have graduated from high school, have a set of college-prep courses on their high school transcripts and “demonstrate basic literacy” — the necessities for being “college ready.”  Another glaring problem is that black males are disproportionately labeled as discipline and behavioral problems and fast tracked out of high schools through expulsions and suspensions. As if that’s not enough, says ACE’s William Harvey, there’s a virtual drying up of federal aid-to-education grant money coupled with jacked-up tuitions, which make it necessary for low-income students to assume an average $ 20,000 debt to finish a four-year curriculum.  “For those in the lower economic category, the availability of financial aid determines who gets to go to college and who doesn’t,” observes Harvey.  Harvey points out that, over the years, federal funding has undergone a “complete reversal,” from “a 70 percent to 30 percent grant-to-loan ratio 20 years ago” to the exact opposite today..”An 18-year-old male will be more inclined to say, I want money in my pocket now’ and attempt to get a job,” adds Harvey. “But many take on the debt, become part-time students, work 20-plus hours a week and become five-year students at a four-year college.”  The inequity of that educational apparatus is especially clear when you look at the black males who persevere — those who go on to finish high school, earn a bachelor’s degree and even finish grad school.  A recently released Census report shows that, whether they have a high school diploma or a master’s degree, black men will earn roughly 25 percent less than Whites.